USA TODAY International Edition

No need to ‘ freak out’ during turbulence

- John Cox Special for USA TODAY Have a question about flying? Send it to travel@ usatoday. com.

Q: Turbulence scares me, can you relate it to something a non- pilot can understand?

— Pam Maas- Maciak, Indianapol­is

A: Unexpected turbulence is uncomforta­ble, but is not a safety risk to the airplane. Airplanes are designed for it. The last case of a turbulence- caused accident was in the 1960s in Japan.

There are some similariti­es with a boat hitting a wave in water. One difference is that the airplane may experience more vertical displaceme­nt, making it feel more severe.

Most humans do not like the sensation of negative Gs, which you feel when the airplane drops suddenly. That sensation is caused by the vestibular system in your ears. In everyday life we do not experience negative Gs often, making the sensation unusual and scary to some people. This is a normal reaction. Pilots have experience­d this sensation many times and have no problem flying the airplane safely.

Pilots do all we can to avoid turbulence. Occasional­ly, we must fly through it.

I recommend keeping your seat belt fastened when you are in your seat ( I do) to avoid the risk of injury from unexpected turbulence.

Q: During a recent transAtlan­tic flight, it was so turbulent I was concerned whether the wings were sturdy enough to withstand it.

— Submitted via email

A: The wings are very strong and will withstand very heavy turbulence with no damage. I do not know of a jetliner accident where the wings failed due to turbulence.

There is no risk to the airplane, but many passengers have been injured because of not wearing their seat belt.

You can be calm that turbulence is not a threat to your airplane the next time you encounter a bumpy ride.

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