USA TODAY International Edition

Johnson: ‘ I’m not a protest vote’

Libertaria­n Party nominee sees Clinton and Trump as dangerous, doesn’t mind being the spoiler


When Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump meet for their first debate Monday night, Libertaria­n Party nominee Gary Johnson will be watching from the sidelines. Johnson, a former two- term Republican governor of New Mexico who is running third in national polls, met last week with the USA TODAY Editorial Board. Questions and answers have been edited for length and clarity.

Q: Why should people vote for you instead of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

A: I do think that what I’m saying is representa­tive of the majority of Americans. What am I saying? Well, fiscally conservati­ve, socially inclusive, free markets, let’s stop with the military interventi­ons, let’s stop supporting regime change. We’re supporting marriage equality, supporting a woman’s right to choose, supporting the legalizati­on of marijuana.

Q: You won’t be in Monday night’s debate. How does that affect your campaign?

A: Well, interestin­gly, Ross Perot was polling at lower levels than I am right now, when he was allowed into the debates ( in 1992). So this does adversely affect the campaign. There’s no way that I’m going to get elected president without being in the debates.

Q: Are you OK with being seen as a spoiler?

A: Good! Good! Good! I’ll take that as my mantle. This is something that needs ruining. Hillary has been an architect of our foreign policy. I have no idea where Trump is. It’s a broken compass, as far as I’m concerned. So ruining this party, spoiler, great! Give me the title.

Q: And if it can’t be you, do you have any preference? A: Absolutely not.

Q: Do you really see no difference between them?

A: Why don’t you all consider my vote as a No. 1 vote? That’s all I’m asking. I’m not a protest vote here. They’re second votes.


Is it true that your running mate, former Massachuse­tts governor William Weld, might endorse Clinton if it looks like your candidacy might draw enough votes away from her to put Trump over the top?

A: That’s bull----.

Q: Do you think Donald Trump is a dangerous candidate? A: I do.

Q: Is she dangerous?

A: Hillary Clinton? ( To her) there isn’t anything that a government program cannot address. And then this pay- to- play stuff? … Yeah, I mean from a foreign policy standpoint ( she’s dangerous). This whole support of the Free Syrian Army, the whole support of regime change in Libya and Syria.

Q: You got criticized recently when you failed to recognize the Syrian city of Aleppo. Was that fair?

A: Hey, I’m running for president of the United States. Fair question. No one to blame but myself for it. And no excuse.

Q: Let us give you a do- over. What would you do about the disaster in Aleppo and Syria more broadly?

A: Well, that mess wouldn’t exist in the first place if we were not involved in regime change. … I’ve been saying for months that the solution to Syria is diplomatic, and it’s with Russia. We’re kidding ourselves if we think there’s going to be resolution to Syria with ( President Bashar) Assad going away. ... Are we gonna continue to fight the Islamists? Yes.

Q: Would you keep U. S. troops in Afghanista­n? A: No, I would get out of Afghanista­n immediatel­y.

Q: You would allow the Taliban to take back Kabul?

A: That’s the argument, but you know what? If we get out of Afghanista­n 20 years from now, the same consequenc­es are going to exist as are going to exist a week from now.

Q: Should the president pardon fugitive National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden?

A: Based on what I know about Edward Snowden, I would pardon him. To my knowledge, the informatio­n he handed over has not resulted in harm to anyone.

Q: Do you agree with the Libertaria­n platform on repealing the income tax?

A: Count on certainty from Bill Weld and myself that taxes are not gonna go up. … If I could wave a magic wand, I would eliminate the income tax and corporate tax, and replace it with one federal consumptio­n tax.

Q: Without raising taxes, how would you balance the federal budget?

A: I pledge to be the most frugal president in our lifetimes. And you will see that. … You cannot do it without reforming Me- dicaid. You cannot do it without reforming Medicare. You cannot do it without reforming Social Security, which is a category unto itself. And you can’t do it without cutting the military.

Q: How long have you been a Libertaria­n? A: I have self- identified as a Libertaria­n since 1971.

Q: You’ve been characteri­zed as a pragmatic Libertaria­n. So how do you bridge the gap between Libertaria­n ideals and practical reality?

A: There is the notion of what can be accomplish­ed and, you know what, I’d like to fall in that camp. Everything that I’m talking about, I do believe, is achievable. I’m very front and center on believing that government has a fundamenta­l role to protect us against individual­s, groups and corporatio­ns that would do us harm.

Q: As a Libertaria­n, do you believe I have the right to own a bazooka if I wanted to?

A: No, I think that with the last legislatio­n that passed, automatic weapons are not allowed, bazookas are not allowed. Bazookas could end up in the wrong peoples’ hands.

Q: What are your thoughts on the recent police shootings?

A: The No. 1 law enforcemen­t tool in this county right now is our smartphone­s, and it will make our country a much better place.

Q: You’ve said the Department of Homeland Security should go away. Why?

A: It’s just a layer of bureaucrac­y that brought together 22 different agencies. It didn’t do anything new. Why didn’t they consolidat­e all that under the FBI?

Q: How would you handle airport security?

A: Well, ideally, I would leave airline security up to municipali­ties, states and the airlines.

Q: This is your second try at running for president. Are you the right messenger?

A: Oh, clearly, I may not be the right messenger. And by the way, this is my last shot at this. I won’t be around after this election.

 ??  ?? Libertaria­n Party presidenti­al nominee Gary Johnson meets with the USA TODAY Editorial Board on Wednesday.
Libertaria­n Party presidenti­al nominee Gary Johnson meets with the USA TODAY Editorial Board on Wednesday.
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