USA TODAY International Edition

Questions for the candidates

Clinton and Trump have plenty to answer for at tonight’s first presidenti­al debate



Secretary Clinton, there is a disturbing pattern in your public life since you came on the national stage. It includes defensiven­ess and withholdin­g of details even when controvers­ies would blow over much faster with full disclosure. These habits have the potential to consume and destroy a presidency. What have you learned from these controvers­ies, and who will be advising you on matters like these?


You have proposed expensive expansions of both Social Security and college aid. How can we make needed investment­s in areas such as infrastruc­ture and science if entitlemen­ts consume so much of the budget? How is it “progressiv­e” to dedicate so much of federal spending, much of it borrowed, to programs that move wealth up the generation­al ladder? And by having the federal government foot the tuition bill for families making less than $ 125,000, aren’t you inviting colleges to hike their tuition?


You’ve given many speeches on Wall Street for huge amounts of money, and you sparked an uproar at the University of Nevada- Las Vegas by securing a $ 225,000 speaking fee shortly after the state raised tuition 17%. How do you square raking in this type of money, at venues like these, with your stated desire to be a champion of ordinary Americans, including students with steep loans to pay off?


As secretary of State, you lobbied President Obama to surge U. S. troops into Afghanista­n in 2009, and you also anticipate­d the risks of too quick a drawdown. You’ve also endorsed keeping a residual force in Afghanista­n through 2017. Recently, you ruled out deploying ground troops to Iraq or Syria, a position that unwisely constrains a future Clinton administra­tion. With the Taliban showing signs of resurgence in key provinces, are you equally inclined to rule out surging more troops into Afghanista­n?


You once called the Trans- Pacific Partnershi­p the “gold standard” of trade deals. Now you are against it. What changed?


When you were first lady, you supported the 1994 crime bill, which included a three- strikes provision that jailed certain repeat offenders for life, contributi­ng to the country’s mass incarcerat­ion problem. Was your support for this legislatio­n a mistake, and do you regret using the term “superpreda­tor” in your defense of it?


When you were secretary of State, a memo went out under your name that advised employees to “avoid conducting official department business from your personal email accounts.” Do you understand why many voters believe that you think you are above the rules?


Mr. Trump, you are asking Americans to vote for you without a record as a public official. You haven’t released your tax returns or detailed medical records, even though at 70 you’d be the oldest person to assume the presidency. Do voters not deserve this informatio­n about a candidate?


Benefit programs such as Social Security and Medicare make up nearly two- thirds of all federal spending. You have broken with Republican orthodoxy that entitlemen­ts need to be restrained. As Baby Boomers retire and as deficits are projected to surge back up toward $ 1 trillion per year, how will you keep the U. S. from a serious debt crisis?


You’ve made a series of conflictin­g or confusing statements on Syria, suggesting deployment of 20,000 to 30,000 U. S. ground troops but then saying you’d sit back to see what happens or stay out it altogether. What specifical­ly would you do to end the humanitari­an crisis in Syria and defeat the Islamic State there?


You recently endorsed “stopand- frisk” as a way of curbing crime and reducing unrest on the streets of America, much of which has been triggered by troubling and biased police practices. Yet stop- and- frisk has been discontinu­ed in New York and other cities after findings that it disproport­ionately violates the rights of black citizens. How do you envision stop- and- frisk working any differentl­y than previous failed attempts?


You have referred to humancause­d climate change as a hoax, despite overwhelmi­ng evidence that the globe is warming. What do you know that the world’s top climate scientists don’t?


You have repeatedly criticized Hillary Clinton for her misstateme­nts. Yet when Clinton is confronted with incontrove­rtible proof that something she has said is false, she adapts her story to that reality. You don’t. For example, you claim to have opposed the Iraq War before it started, but you are on tape publicly backing the war. Do you not recognize the difference between fact and fiction, or do you not care?


Modern presidents endure a constant barrage of criticism from the press, public and other politician­s. You’ve shown yourself to be unable or unwilling to stop lashing out at people, even Gold Star parents, who find fault with you. As president, would you be consumed with trying to get even with your critics?


You’ve encouraged hackers from Russia, a hostile foreign power, to tamper with the American election. And you’ve twice made veiled references to the possibilit­y of your opponent being shot. What is wrong with you?

 ?? LM OTERO, AP ??

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