USA TODAY International Edition


Assange, GOP nominee form odd couple in bid to bring down Clinton

- Rem Rieder

It is one of the truly bizarre developmen­ts in a presidenti­al campaign that has had no shortage of them: the improbable alliance between WikiLeaks and the forces of one Donald J. Trump.

Once dedicated to ballyhooin­g the leaks of whistleblo­wers such as Chelsea Manning, WikiLeaks and its founder and panjandrum Julian Assange have emerged as a de facto arm of the Trump campaign. When it comes to bolstering the Trump cause, WikiLeaks is right up there with conservati­ve website Breitbart, aka Trump’s Pravda, and the mogul’s BFF, Fox News’ Sean Hannity.

Whoever thought we would have a campaign in which WikiLeaks and Russian hackers would be far more enthusiast­ic about and dedicated to electing the Republican presidenti­al standard bearer than the Republican speaker of the House?

Assange, once known for disseminat­ing devastatin­g material about the U. S. misadventu­re in Iraq, has clearly timed this year’s releases to benefit the Trump campaign and damage the prospects of Democrat Hillary Clinton, whom he seems to despise.

On the eve of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelph­ia in July, WikiLeaks unleashed a trove of documents, believed to have been unearthed by Russian hackers, that suggested the Democratic National Committee had done all it could to help Clinton prevail over challenger Bernie Sanders in the primaries.

The material, naturally, infuriated Bernie’s legions and rapidly led to the humiliatin­g ouster of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

The discord got the Democratic convention off to a sour start, good news for the Trump forces, who had just finished up their own turmoil- plagued conclave in Cleveland.

When a DNC staffer was killed in Washington, D. C., over the summer in what police said was a street crime, Assange suggested to a Dutch news program the staffer may have been killed for providing material to his organizati­on.

Trump adviser Roger Stone tweeted on Oct. 2 that Clinton would be “done” in three days after a WikiLeaks October surprise. But no kill shot emerged.

As Bloomberg Businesswe­ek points out in an excellent piece on Assange, after Clinton collapsed at a 9/ 11 memorial service, WikiLeaks tweeted a poll asking the Twitterver­se to decide if Clinton had been felled by allergies and personalit­y, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis or head injury complicati­ons. No mention of pneumonia, which the Clinton camp cited as the culprit. Last Friday, just after The

Washington Post revealed the devastatin­g tapes in which Trump is heard making exceedingl­y demeaning remarks about women, WikiLeaks posted another trove of pilfered emails, these from Clinton campaign chief John Podesta.

While they contained no game changer or campaign ender, they did include embarrassi­ng excerpts from Clinton’s crazily expensive speeches to Goldman Sachs, showing how comfortabl­y she relates to corporate power. WikiLeaks has continued to release material from the Podesta files.

It’s clear Assange’s contempt for the former secretary of State and first lady runs deep. “She’s a war hawk with bad judgement who gets an unseemly emotional rush out of killing people,” he wrote on WikiLeaks.

Assange’s metamorpho­sis into political hit man in the service of Trump is a curious one indeed for someone said to have been motivated to launch WikiLeaks by the principled Daniel Ellsberg, the onetime enthusiast­ic supporter of the Vietnam War who was impelled to release the Pentagon Papers by his dismay over how horribly awry the war had gone.

Recent years have not been kind to Assange. Since June 2012, he has been holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, to which he fled to avoid returning to Sweden to face further pro- ceedings over complaints of rape and molestatio­n. Assange has said he fears he will be extradited to the U. S. if he goes back to the Scandinavi­an nation.

A report on a “psychosoci­al evaluation” in November 2015 paints a bleak picture indeed of Assange’s life on the lam and its impact on the leakmeiste­r.

“The restrictio­ns placed upon his liberty and the uncertaint­ies surroundin­g his future and complexiti­es of his legal position have had and will continue to have a deleteriou­s impact on his physical and mental health,” says the report, which is entirely sympatheti­c to Assange.

Meanwhile, Assange, once the darling of the left, has picked up unlikely new fans since his emergence as a Trump apparatchi­k.

“I think Julian Assange is a hero,” longtime GOP operative and Trump enthusiast nonpareil Stone said on C- SPAN.

Tireless Trump cheerleade­r Hannity, who once accused him of “waging war against the U. S.,” told Assange during a satellite interview in September, “You have done a lot of good in what you have exposed about how corrupt, dishonest and phony our government is, and I applaud that,”

Something about the enemy of my enemy is my friend, no doubt.

As for the immediate future, look for plenty more October surprises from WikiLeaks. They may not destroy Clinton and salvage Trump, but it won’t be for lack of trying.

 ?? GERARDO MORA, GETTY IMAGES ?? WikiLeaks has clearly timed this year’s releases to benefit the campaign of GOP nominee Donald Trump, above, and damage the prospects of Democrat Hillary Clinton.
GERARDO MORA, GETTY IMAGES WikiLeaks has clearly timed this year’s releases to benefit the campaign of GOP nominee Donald Trump, above, and damage the prospects of Democrat Hillary Clinton.
 ?? JACK TAYLOR, AFP/ GETTY IMAGES ?? “She’s a war hawk with bad judgement who gets an unseemly emotional rush out of killing people,” Julian Assange, above, wrote of Clinton on WikiLeaks.
JACK TAYLOR, AFP/ GETTY IMAGES “She’s a war hawk with bad judgement who gets an unseemly emotional rush out of killing people,” Julian Assange, above, wrote of Clinton on WikiLeaks.
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