USA TODAY International Edition

Deep divide on guns will be highlighte­d at polls


Voters in several states will get a chance on Nov. 8 to vote on gun measures.

If Americans favor these measures, they should pass. But the fact is that half of Americans favor Second Amendment rights. But cheer up, liberal Supreme Court appointees by President Hillary Clinton would make up new definition­s and rule from the bench without a vote from the people. Jim Davis

These laws will not save any lives or keep guns out of the bad guys’ hands, they will only punish the responsibl­e gun owners and eventually lead to complete confiscati­on!

Vic Zigmont

“Gun safety” is the new “gun control.” You want gun safety? Join the National Rifle Associatio­n. The NRA has taught gun safety for many years and still does. David Black

Did we vote when we put assault rifles and man- portable air- defense systems ( MANPADS) into the hands of Syrians? I’m still waiting for my own free assault rifle from the government.

Stop telling me Americans can’t have guns but then use my taxes to supply them to people who aren’t even U. S. citizens.

Sintamyr Ant

I don’t care what laws are passed. Guns will always be readily available, and the more laws you apply, the more people who shouldn’t have them will. What is so hard to understand on this? Dirk L. Zollinger

“Common sense gun laws.” The gun control movement’s intent is to portray its proposals as popular, reasonable and benign. Alternativ­ely, gun rights positions are to be considered extreme and out of touch. In reality, this is just a flimsy attempt to veil the oppressive consequenc­es of the anti- Second Amendment gun- grabbing proposals. Mario Lacaci

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