USA TODAY International Edition


January 2021. President Trump “Made America Great Again,” and a grateful nation re- elected him. Here’s how:

- Steven Strauss Steven Strauss is the John L. Weinberg/ Goldman Sachs & Co. Visiting Professor at Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and Internatio­nal Affairs.

President Trump in his 2017 inaugural address declared war on our rigged political system. Republican­s retained control of Congress and responded enthusiast­ically. The Senate changed its rules to eliminate filibuster­s on Supreme Court nominees, and Congress made other procedural changes to speed up the lawmaking process. To further improve efficiency, Congress sharply reduced civil service protection­s, thereby making terminatio­n of government employees easier.

In the first 100 days, Obamacare was repealed, “winners” and “producers” got huge tax cuts, and much else on the GOP wish list was accomplish­ed.

Congress approved Trump’s judicial and U. S. attorney nominees — in record time — despite some grumbling that many of these nominees had connection­s to the “alt- right” movement. Candidate Trump had warned of investigat­ions and litigation against “doubters” ( like Jeff Bezos, The

New York Times and other “losers”). President Trump’s new appointees were quick to initiate those investigat­ions.


Trump, as candidate, demanded that a special prosecutor investigat­e “Crooked Hillary.” The Trump administra­tion appointed a special prosecutor to investigat­e not only Clinton, but also Barack Obama and the “elites” who had donated to Democrats. Thousands of people had to be investigat­ed, so Americans learned not to criticize Trump.

In 2016, Trump’s spokespers­on Omarosa Manigault predicted: “Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump” — and she was right. Domestic media broadly supported, or at least did not oppose, Trump.

Trump, as promised, renegotiat­ed many internatio­nal accords, leading to ( among other things) our withdrawal from NATO. This resulted in the collapse of the dollar, trade wars, and other economic and political dislocatio­ns. Trump’s admirer, Russian leader Vladimir Putin, moved quickly to maintain order in Europe — by annexing the Baltic countries.

In 2016, half of Americans believed that Trump would be willing to use nuclear weapons — and he did. Thankfully, the 2017 Nuclear War was short and contained to the Middle East, where President Trump authorized a pre- emptive attack on Iran’s atomic weapons program. This resulted in a few million dead in the region, a wave of suicide bombings against the U. S., and America becoming a global pariah state. The Trump administra­tion proclaimed it a great victory.

The foreign news media reported that the U. S. unemployme­nt rate was skyrocketi­ng toward 25%. The internatio­nal media also said America’s foreign policy was for sale, citing Trump’s many conflicts of interest.

With all the turmoil, Trump had to crush an attempted coup from elements within the Republican Party. The foreign media described these rogue elements as patriots seeking to impeach Trump under the Constituti­on. But the administra­tion claimed these dissidents were “bribe takers, criminals, pedophiles, drug addicts and agents of radical Islam.” Remaining elements in the judiciary, Congress or military who did not support Trump resigned or were removed.

As the 2018 elections approached, Congress passed comprehens­ive election reforms, including a shift to a digital voting system ( which Trump outsourced to a Russian firm with huge experience). Where reforms had been adopted, the Trump- Republican­s won decisive victories. The “losers and haters” rioted on a large scale about the election results, so the National Guard had to be used. When some officers and soldiers refused to shoot rioters and resigned, Trump replaced them with stronger people. In 2020, in the interests of consistenc­y and to avoid any confusion about voting fairness, all states were required to use the new and improved electoral system. BUILDING THE WALL Some continued to resist Trump’s efforts to Make America Great Again. To prevent them from underminin­g his policies, many African Americans, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Hispanics and non- conformist­s were sent to labor camps for re- education and potential deportatio­n. But Trump got it all under control. In the 2020 election, the president received 99% of the popular vote and 100% of the electoral vote. And TrumpRepub­licans continued to control Congress.

Oh, and the Mexican government ultimately did pay for that border wall. The foreign media had the audacity to report, however, that Mexico did so to keep out hordes of starving and persecuted Americans.

 ?? MANDEL NGAN, AFP/ GETTY IMAGES ?? A rally for Donald Trump on Monday in Ambridge, Pa.
MANDEL NGAN, AFP/ GETTY IMAGES A rally for Donald Trump on Monday in Ambridge, Pa.

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