USA TODAY International Edition

Obama’s orders were imperial, but Trump’s aren’t?


Remember when Republican­s were dead set against sweeping executive actions? Remember when they called Barack Obama an imperial president, and worse, for issuing a string of executive orders, presidenti­al memoranda and national security directives? That was so yesterday. In his first 10 days in office, President Trump issued 20 executive actions, more than any incoming president in the modern era. And for the most part, Republican­s have adopted a position of silence or support, convenient­ly forgetting their past practice of denouncing executive decrees as a major threat to constituti­onal governance.

Obama, for his part, issued 18 president actions ( which include executive orders, memoranda, national security directives and proclamati­ons) during his first 10 days in office. Obama’s actions included measures on government ethics, waterboard­ing and a move to close the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba ( an action he was never able to complete during his eight years in office).

Obama’s most far- reaching executive order, announced in 2014, granted deportatio­n relief to millions of undocument­ed workers. Democrats cheered the president for going around GOP hard- liners in Congress, but courts quite appropriat­ely saw this as an overreach and struck it down.

Trump’s most controvers­ial directive so far also has to do with immigratio­n: It suspends refugee resettleme­nt in the United States and entry by citizens of seven Muslim- majority nations. No duly enacted law has changed America’s immigratio­n policy as much since the 1986 immigratio­n reform act. Trump’s order has stranded thousands of people abroad and been so jarring that leaders from close allies have taken the unusual step of denouncing it.

In addition to the immigratio­n order, Trump needlessly damaged relations with Mexico with his wasteful order to build a border wall and his demands that Mexico pay for it. He also signed an order to cut regulation, a directive so poorly conceived that it could result in more confusion than regulatory relief.

All of this has happened with minimal input from the U. S. Congress. You’d think there would be resistance to a president who bypasses the supposedly separatean­d- equal legislativ­e branch of government. Think again.

Yes, Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham have called the immigratio­n order “a self- inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism.” And a handful of other lawmakers have called it hastily executed or poorly vetted. But none has noted the obvious hypocrisy in a Republican president issuing so many sweeping executive orders after criticizin­g those from Obama.

As the new president’s Oval Office signing spree continues, members of Congress need to show some more spine, not to mention more consistenc­y.

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