USA TODAY International Edition


Trump knew of allegation­s for weeks, press secretary says

- David Jackson and Kevin Johnson

President Trump knew for more than two weeks that former national security adviser Michael Flynn lied about his contact with a Russian ambassador and demanded his resignatio­n because he could no longer trust him, the White House spokesman said Tuesday.

“The evolving and eroding level of trust as a result of this situation, and a series of other questionab­le instances, is what led the president to ask for General Flynn’s resignatio­n,” Trump spokesman Sean Spicer said.

Flynn’s resignatio­n less than a month after Trump took office came as a growing number of members of Congress sought an investigat­ion into Flynn’s contacts with the Russians and those of the entire Trump White House, which has made improved ties between the two countries a cornerston­e of the president’s foreign policy.

Trump and aides spent weeks evaluating allegation­s against Flynn and concluded that he misled Vice President Pence and others when he said he had not discussed then- pending sanctions on Russia with the ambassador from that country, Spicer and other officials said.

Pence echoed Flynn’s denials

in a television interview and protested Flynn’s conduct in light of recent revelation­s.

Trump did not oust Flynn sooner, Spicer said in a White House news briefing, because there was no proof Flynn had broken the law by calling Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Spicer said Trump did not authorize Flynn to call Kislyak about the pending sanctions from the Obama administra­tion over Russia’s involvemen­t in the 2016 elections.

“It was not an issue of law, it was an issue of trust,” Spicer said.

Members of Congress, including some Republican­s, said Flynn’s departure underscore­s concerns about the Trump administra­tion, Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin, potential ties that are already the subject of an FBI investigat­ion.

Flynn’s forced resignatio­n “is a troubling indication of the dysfunctio­n of the current national security apparatus” and “raises further questions about the Trump administra­tion’s intentions toward Vladimir Putin’s Russia,” said Sen. John McCain, R- Ariz., chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

McCain cited “statements by the president suggesting moral equivalenc­e between the United States and Russia despite its invasion of Ukraine, annexation of Crimea, threats to our NATO allies and attempted interferen­ce in American elections.”

Another prominent Republican, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, told CNN: “Did General Flynn act alone? I want to know what Russia is up to.”

Citing reports that the Justice Department warned the White House a month ago that Flynn was vulnerable to blackmail because he had misreprese­nted his talks with the Russian ambassador, Democrats and other Trump critics said they would continue to press Trump for an investigat­ion of the incident.

“The Trump administra­tion has yet to be forthcomin­g about who was aware of Flynn’s conversati­ons with the ambassador and whether he was acting on the instructio­ns of the president or any other officials, or with their knowledge,” said Rep. Adam Schiff of California, ranking Democrat on the House Intelligen­ce Committee.

For his part, Trump took to social media to protest news leaks. Not mentioning Flynn, Trump tweeted: “The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N. Korea etc?”

Trump declined to answer reporters’ questions about Flynn during a meeting of parents and teachers Tuesday morning.

Flynn’s departure, the first high- profile resignatio­n of the Trump administra­tion, started with a phone call.

In a conversati­on late last year with Kislyak, Flynn discussed sanctions the Obama administra­tion placed on Russia over alleged involvemen­t in the U. S. election, including the leak of emails from Democratic Party officials close to nominee Hillary Clinton.

Flynn initially denied discussing sanctions with Kislyak — a story repeated in public statements by Pence, among other administra­tion officials. Aides to the president said Pence protested and played a role in discussion­s about what to do with Flynn.

“Misleading the vice president really was the key here,” presiden- tial counselor Kellyanne Conway told NBC’s Today show Tuesday.

The content of Flynn’s conversati­ons with the Russian ambassador and a discussion of sanctions emerged during the FBI’s ongoing investigat­ion into communicat­ions between former and current Trump aides and Russian government officials, a U. S. official said.

Sally Yates, acting attorney general during the Trump administra­tion transition, was prompted to alert the White House counsel, Don McGahn, Spicer said. Other officials, including Pence, said they were assured Flynn’s pre- inaugural conversati­ons did not include the subject of sanctions against Russia, said the official who spoke on condition of anonymity because officials were not authorized to comment on the matter publicly.

Fearing that the content of conversati­ons could later be used against Flynn by Russian authoritie­s as a form of blackmail, the official said the decision was made to raise the matter with the White House. It was immediatel­y unclear how the White House responded to Yates’ informatio­n, the official said.

Yates, a holdover from the Obama administra­tion, was later fired by Trump for refusing to defend the president’s executive order to suspend immigratio­n from seven majority- Muslim countries. That order, now the subject of multiple court challenges across the country, is on hold.

The official with knowledge of the matter said the federal inquiry continues into the communi- cations with Russian officials, though it was not clear what effect, if any, Flynn’s resignatio­n would have on the investigat­ion.

Shortly before Yates alerted the White House of inconsiste­ncies in Flynn’s public statements about his conversati­ons with the Russian ambassador — secretly monitored by federal authoritie­s — FBI agents interviewe­d Flynn, the official said.

The official declined to elaborate on the interview but indicated Yates moved to raise concerns about Flynn’s possible exposure to blackmail within a day or two after the interview. The official also declined to comment on whether authoritie­s had concluded Flynn’s statements were truthful. Lying to the FBI is a felony. At the White House, Spicer said Trump learned of the Justice Department’s concerns Jan. 26 and immediatel­y asked McGahn’s office to investigat­e. While there is no evidence Flynn broke the law, Spicer said, Trump believes Flynn misled Pence and others about the phone call. Spicer said Trump requested the resignatio­n, though other administra­tion officials have told reporters Flynn resigned voluntaril­y.

Although Trump has named an acting national security adviser — retired three- star general Joseph Keith Kellogg Jr. — the White House has floated other names to take over the post full time.

They include Robert Harward, a former deputy commander of U. S. Central Command and protégé of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, and retired general David Petraeus, a former CIA director who resigned after acknowledg­ing he gave classified informatio­n to a biographer with whom he was having an affair.

In his resignatio­n letter, Flynn said that because of the “fast pace of events,” he “inadverten­tly” gave Pence and others “incomplete informatio­n” about his call with the Russian ambassador. “I have sincerely apologized to the President and the Vice President, and they have accepted my apology,” Flynn wrote.

While a close adviser to Trump during his presidenti­al campaign, Flynn was in trouble from Day One. Critics cited his past ties to Russia, and what appeared to be signs of disorganiz­ation within the National Security Council.

Flynn had been fired as head of the Defense Intelligen­ce Agency by President Obama. He made himself a political target by campaignin­g aggressive­ly against Clinton, sometimes leading Trump supporters in chants of “Lock her up!”

Flynn’s tenure as national security adviser, less than a month, is by far the shortest ever for the influentia­l position. President Ronald Reagan’s first national security adviser, Richard Allen, lasted just under a year.

“The Trump administra­tion has yet to be forthcomin­g about who was aware of Flynn’s conversati­ons.” Rep. Adam Schiff of California, ranking Democrat on the House Intelligen­ce Committee

 ?? WIN MCNAMEE, GETTY IMAGES ?? Rep. Elijah Cummings, left, leads the Democrats’ call for an investigat­ion of Michael Flynn. Sean Spicer, right, said the resignatio­n was a matter of “trust.”
WIN MCNAMEE, GETTY IMAGES Rep. Elijah Cummings, left, leads the Democrats’ call for an investigat­ion of Michael Flynn. Sean Spicer, right, said the resignatio­n was a matter of “trust.”
 ?? JIM LO SCALZO, EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY ?? Michael Flynn was President Trump’s national security adviser for less than a month.
JIM LO SCALZO, EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY Michael Flynn was President Trump’s national security adviser for less than a month.

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