USA TODAY International Edition

Adviser is out like Flynn, but many questions linger


Michael Flynn was a loose cannon long before he became President Trump’s deeply flawed choice to be national security adviser, a post he resigned late Monday after getting caught lying about dealings with the Russians.

As a military intelligen­ce officer serving in Afghanista­n in 2009- 10, Flynn riled superiors with his careless sharing of sensitive informatio­n with Pakistan and other allies. His later mismanagem­ent of the Defense Intelligen­ce Agency created so much turmoil that Flynn was pushed out of the job a year early.

He then showed up at a paid appearance in Moscow, seated with President Vladimir Putin during an anniversar­y party for Russia’s propaganda television network. And as an early supporter of Trump, Flynn called President Obama a “liar,” tweeted that “fear of Muslims is RATIONAL,” and joined the “lock her up!” chant about Hillary Clinton at the Republican convention.

Rewarded with the national security adviser post, Flynn lasted less than four weeks. Trump asked him to resign, the White House said Tuesday, after Flynn lost the trust of top officials. Flynn had falsely told Vice President Pence that sanctions hadn’t been discussed during a December phone chat between Flynn and the Russian ambassador.

Flynn won’t be missed, and the search for his replacemen­t offers the Trump administra­tion an opportunit­y to tack even faster toward the more reasonable foreign policy positions it has taken since Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson entered the picture. These positions include backing away from a vow to tear up the Iran nuclear agreement, embracing the “one China” policy with respect to Taiwan, calling for Israel to curtail new West Bank settlement­s and letting Nikki Haley, the U. S. ambassador to the United Nations, talk tough about Russia’s renewed interferen­ce in Ukraine.

Even so, it’s impossible to know yet whether Flynn’s exit is the last chapter in a fumbled first decision by Trump to fill a vital security position, or the opening salvo in a high- stakes internatio­nal scandal. Among the many questions that remain about the dealings of Trump supporters with Russia, both before and after the election:

Did Flynn lie about his Russian conversati­ons when he was interviewe­d by the FBI shortly after the inaugurati­on? It could be a felony if he did.

Why wasn’t he fired sooner after the acting attorney general warned the White House on Jan. 26 that Flynn had misreprese­nted his conversati­ons with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, opening himself to blackmail?

Was Flynn acting purely on his own when he discussed sanctions with Kislyak? Trump didn’t give him the go- ahead, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Tuesday. Is it credible that someone accustomed to working within a chain of command would engage in this sort of backchanne­l freelancin­g?

Did Flynn have any involvemen­t in the effort by Russian hackers to undermine Clinton’s campaign and tilt the election toward Trump?

Even before this week’s drama, the GOP- led Congress was under pressure to thoroughly investigat­e Team Trump’s connection­s with Russia. The Flynn affair gives investigat­ors even more reason to act, and to do so swiftly.


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