USA TODAY International Edition


Arizona lawmaker works on solutions within her own party

- Eliza Collins

WASHINGTON A panel of business executives sat in front of lawmakers last month and touted the things they had done to make it easier to be a woman at their companies — among them, breastfeed­ing rooms, maternity leave and equal pay. The issues were ones generally talked about by Democrats, but this time it was a group of Republican­s who had put on the event.

“Women have made great strides and have achieved so much in this country, but the fact remains that so many women and girls still face barriers to achieving their full potential,” Arizona Republican Rep. Martha McSally, who chairs the Women in the 21st Century Workforce working group, said as she kicked off the hearing in late March. “Many women today are struggling to balance the competing demands from their workplace and their families. They are expected to do it all, and they are exhausted.”

McSally — a retired Air Force colonel and the first female fighter pilot to fly a combat mission — came up with the idea for the group after she joined Congress in 2014 and saw a lack of conversati­on about women’s issues from members of her own party.

“What I was noticing was you had Democrats talking about equal pay, and in some cases I now know taking some of the statistics and exaggerati­ng it and taking it a little bit out of context. … And then on the Republican side, you either had nothing being said … or you would have people kind of pulling out charts and graphs and explaining how a lot of the pay gap is not discrimina­tion,” McSally told USA TODAY in an interview in her Washington office last week. “I don’t align myself with ( Democrats) and I think we need to address this issue on our side because I care deeply about it and I felt like, why are we not in this space?”

McSally’s working group, which includes more than two dozen House members from various factions of the Republican Party, aims to understand women’s issues — such as equal pay and family leave — and eventually find solutions. The GOP tends to oppose government regulation, and McSally is open to solutions from the private sector.

“Not everything is going to take an act of Congress to fix. And we don’t think the federal government should be involved in many of these things, perhaps,” she told House Speaker Paul Ryan, R- Wis., during a Facebook Live conversati­on in October. But she’s also not ruling out legislatio­n, adding that if there are solutions that require bills, “we can promise that we’re going to be moving them forward.”

“This is how we try to tackle problems here in the House Republican Conference,” Ryan said at the time.

“As mothers, wives, and profession­al women, we have a unique perspectiv­e to develop solutions to these important issues,” Rep. Mimi Walters, R- Calif., told USA TODAY. Walters, who is working with McSally on the task force, said, “We have begun laying the framework for meaningful reform with respect to compensabl­e leave and flexible work schedules that will benefit women, whether they are juggling child care, a busy career, or any other of life’s responsibi­lities.”

Women make up a far smaller proportion of Congress than the U. S. population. In 2017, just 19% of lawmakers were women. But the number of Republican women in Congress is even smaller. Out of 104 total women in both the House and Senate, only 26 are Republican­s.

“It’s an example of why its important to have women’s voices … because they will see the world through a different lens,” said Debbie Walsh, director of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.

“I think the women’s vote is a huge issue for the Republican Party, still,” Walsh said. “I think that the party still is trying to figure out — how does it talk to women, how does it message to women? Health issues, pay equity issues, family leave issues — these are all issues that are all really important. What it seems like what she’s trying to do is reach out and talk about some of these issues.”

McSally said she’s been in touch with Ivanka Trump, who has vowed to help her father, President Trump, take on equal pay and affordable child care.

“I appreciate that she’s got a passion for this issue, and you know some of her ideas are ones that aren’t traditiona­lly Republican, which I’m OK with, right? I think we’ve gotta break the mold here and see where we can find some common ground,” McSally said.

McSally holds former Democrat congresswo­man Gabby Gifford’s seat in the House. She beat former Democratic congressma­n Ron Barber — a Giffords staffer wounded during the 2011 shooting in which Giffords was also shot — by a mere 167 votes in 2014. Her constituen­cy demands that she work with her colleagues across the aisle, but Arizona also voted for Trump, putting McSally in a unique spot.

As negotiatio­ns for the Obamacare repeal and replace bill came down to the wire last month, McSally called Ryan and offered a solution she thought would keep moderates from jumping off over concession­s made to conservati­ves.

McSally is also one of just four female veterans in Congress — two Democrats and two Republican­s — and she believes she deserves a seat at the table on women’s issues.

“I’m in, I think, a unique position where I’ve been in a non- traditiona­l career, I’ve broken through barriers myself,” McSally said, referring to when she sued the secretary of Defense to overturn the military requiremen­t that women serving in the Middle East wear burqas. She argued it violated the Constituti­on because it discrimina­ted against women. She ultimately won the suit.

“The leadership realized that there’s certainly value for my voice and my passion and my leadership on issues like this, as we’re trying to solve some of these problems,” she added.

 ?? JACK GRUBER, USA TODAY ?? Rep. Martha McSally, R- Ariz., wants to be a point person for women’s issues in the Republican party. “I’ve broken through barriers myself,” the retired Air Force colonel says.
JACK GRUBER, USA TODAY Rep. Martha McSally, R- Ariz., wants to be a point person for women’s issues in the Republican party. “I’ve broken through barriers myself,” the retired Air Force colonel says.
 ?? ROBERT HANASHIRO, USA TODAY ?? McSally has been in touch with Ivanka Trump, who has vowed to help her father take on equal pay and affordable child care.
ROBERT HANASHIRO, USA TODAY McSally has been in touch with Ivanka Trump, who has vowed to help her father take on equal pay and affordable child care.

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