USA TODAY International Edition

Assad remains securely in power

As war decimates country, dictator has strong protection

- USA TODAY Editors

Allegation­s that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad killed dozens of people — including children — in a chemical weapons attack Tuesday on a rebel- held town prompted global outrage and condemnati­ons.

Despite renewed calls for his ouster, Assad remains entrenched in power after a sixyear- long civil war that has destroyed much of his country, killed about 500,000 people and forced half of Syria’s prewar population of 22 million to flee.

Here are five reasons why he continues to survive:


Assad appeared to be losing the war until Russia became involved in 2015, providing military support to reverse gains made by rebel groups. Russian airstrikes and other aid bolstered support Assad received from Iran, which has supplied fighters and other military help.

Russia’s alliance with Assad places President Vladimir Putin as a player in the Middle East to offset the influence of the United States, which has many allies in the region. The Iranian government is involved because it has many enemies in the Middle East.


Hundreds of groups oppose Assad’s brutal rule, ranging from moderates to radicals and terrorists, and they often work at cross purposes, fighting one another. As a result, there is no united opposition or popular leader in a position to replace Assad.

In addition, Assad uses ruthless tactics to crush anyone viewed as an opponent, which discourage­s many anti- Assad Syrians from joining the resistance movement.


The U. S. military has taken pains to avoid getting sucked into the civil war. A U. S.- led coalition targets the Islamic State, or ISIS, which got its start as an anti- Assad rebel group. U. S. forces have orders to avoid attacks on Syrian forces or their Russian allies.

President Obama called for Assad to step down because of alleged atrocities against the Syrian people, but Obama refused to send troops to Syria to oust the dictator. The Trump administra­tion condemned the latest chemical attack but said it would not get involved in the civil war beyond targeting ISIS militants.


The United Nations, individual countries and human rights groups have long deplored the Assad regime, but none is willing to send in ground troops to try to end the bloodshed and bring about a political resolution.

Keeping out of the conflict is rational for most nations: Their troops almost certainly would suffer casualties, and there could be a lack of popular support at home to intervene.


Global condemnati­ons and sanctions against Assad have no impact on his regime, particular­ly since he has the upper hand and can count on Russia and Iran for support.

Assad is engaged in a life- ordeath struggle and is not deterred by threats of economic sanctions or being tried for war crimes against his people.

 ?? AP ?? Syrian President Bashar Assad has received military support from Russia and Iran.
AP Syrian President Bashar Assad has received military support from Russia and Iran.

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