USA TODAY International Edition

Silence on human rights encourages dictators


To the extent that the Trump administra­tion’s foreign policy has started to take shape — and it seems to be a work in progress — advocacy of human rights and democracy doesn’t seem to be very high on the agenda.

If anything, Trump’s “America First” policy is looking more like a sort of realpoliti­k, where moral considerat­ions are shed in favor of achieving transactio­nal “wins” on jobs and security.

The president seems drawn to autocrats and cynical about promoting cherished American ideals. Asked in February about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s reputation for ordering political killings, Trump didn’t miss a beat: “Do you think our country is so innocent?”

Last month, the administra­tion lifted human rights conditions on the sale of F- 16 fighters to Bahrain, where political dissidents are locked up without due process. And the annual State Department report on global human rights was issued without fanfare or the usual news conference.

This week, Trump gushed about Egyptian strongman Abdel Fattah al- Sisi, who has brutally cracked down on political dissent, when the two met at the White House. “He’s done a fantastic job in a very difficult situation,” Trump said, vigorously shaking Sisi’s hand, something he didn’t do last month with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a staunch ally.

It’s true, as the foreign policy realists like to point out, that America can’t right every wrong in the world. Trump needn’t go as far as President George W. Bush, whose grandiose vision of bringing democracy to the Middle East, by military invasion if necessary, led to the fiasco in Iraq. Or even as far as President Carter, who made human rights a cornerston­e of his foreign policy.

But there’s nothing wrong with private nudges, public rhetoric and material incentives to make clear that America stands for basic freedoms. There’s no reason to cede the moral high ground and every reason to try to hold it.

Silence on human rights discourage­s pro- democracy activists — and encourages the bad actors such as Putin and Syrian President Bashar Assad.

As Sen. Marco Rubio, R- Fla., said Wednesday, it’s probably no coincidenc­e that a horrific chemical weapons attack occurred in Syria soon after U. S. officials suggested that Assad could stay in power. ( Later in the day, Trump condemned the attack but didn’t say what he’d do about it.)

Which brings us to the meetings between Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping today and Friday at Mar- a- Lago in Florida. The White House has said that China’s human rights abuses will be raised discreetly, if at all.

Shouldn’t America at least advocate — for a moment during the discussion of trade imbalances, currency rates and North Korea — doctrines of freedom? Would it do any harm if Trump diplomatic­ally pressed Xi to release Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo, whose “crime,” for which he’s serving an 11- year prison sentence, was to circulate a petition for placing human rights, democracy and the rule of law at the core of the Chinese political system?

As much as Trump might disdain moralizing, part of his job is to send the message that America cares about its values.

 ?? BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI, AFP/ GETTY IMAGES ?? President Trump and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al- Sisi on Monday.
BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI, AFP/ GETTY IMAGES President Trump and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al- Sisi on Monday.

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