USA TODAY International Edition

Georgia election seen as Trump political barometer

Likely outcome is a June runoff with Ossoff vs. one rival

- Heidi M. Przybyla

“Ossoff has become a darling of progressiv­e donors to such an extent that it could motivate Republican­s.” David Wasserman, House editor at the non- partisan Cook Political Report

The battle for a House seat in Georgia’s 6th district — with a Tuesday primary election — is becoming a quasi- referendum on President Trump that will probably intensify over the next couple of months.

Democrats are rallying behind a 30- year- old political neophyte, Jon Ossoff, who is buoyed by $ 8.3 million in donations from small Democratic donors from around the country eager to make a statement on their feelings about the new president.

If Ossoff captures 50% of the vote in Tuesday’s “jungle primary,” which features 18 candidates including four major GOP contenders, he’ll avoid a June runoff against a single Republican competitor. Polling averages show him falling at least a few points short of that goal, and the most likely outcome is that the battle drags on.

“If Ossoff does hit 50%, it would be a further indication that House Republican­s begin the cycle in deep trouble in upscale districts,” David Wasserman, House editor at the non- partisan Cook Political Report, said in a weekend analysis.

“People will say ‘ this is sending a signal about the new administra­tion,’ ” said Eric Tanenblatt, a 30- year veteran of Georgia politics who chaired 2012 Republican presidenti­al candidate Mitt Romney’s campaign in the state.

However, if Ossoff doesn’t win on Tuesday and loses in June, “after all the hype, it will be difficult for Democrats to argue they are on their way to taking back the House,” Wasserman said.

The most likely outcome is the race narrows to a two- person battle on June 20, making it more challengin­g for Democrats to win as Republican­s rally behind a single candidate. The national spotlight is also beginning to activate Republican­s, Tanenblatt said. “This is a lot of national attention being given to a local race, but the district itself is still a conservati­ve Republican district,” he said.

That Democrats are even in striking distance paints a postelecti­on landscape in which Democrats are energized to oppose Trump. Republican­s have held the seat for about 38 years, with previous occupants including former House speaker Newt Gingrich.

Changing demographi­cs and Trump’s unpopulari­ty led to Democratic presidenti­al candidate Hillary Clinton losing the district by just one point in November. That compares to the double- digit margin the district gave Romney four years earlier. And while Ossoff is drawing sig- nificant attention from national Democrats, he’s centered his campaign message on economics versus wholesale Trump opposition, including plans for hightech sector jobs and rooting out Washington waste.

Ossoff has raised an eye- popping amount of money, outstrippi­ng contributi­ons to all 11 of his Republican rivals combined. Democrats are also motivated because the seat’s previous occupant is Trump’s Health and Human Services Secretary, Tom Price, who is guiding the rewrite of a replacemen­t for Obamacare. And they point to recent polling saying Ossoff is capable of winning a two- person race. A new poll for Atlanta’s Fox 5 has him two points ahead of Karen Handel, a former Georgia secretary of State.

Illustrati­ng the stakes, Trump injected himself into the race Monday in a tweet.

Yet Handel has been under attack from the conservati­ve antitax group Club for Growth among other outside Republican spending groups that would likely cease fire if she is the candidate. Also, “Ossoff has become a darling of progressiv­e donors to such an extent that it could motivate more Republican­s,” Wasserman said.

The end result is likely continued major national attention. “We’re going to have another two months of this,” Tanenblatt said.

 ?? JOE RAEDLE, GETTY IMAGES ?? Democrat Jon Ossoff is running for a Georgia congressio­nal seat that’s been in Republican hands since the 1970s.
JOE RAEDLE, GETTY IMAGES Democrat Jon Ossoff is running for a Georgia congressio­nal seat that’s been in Republican hands since the 1970s.

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