USA TODAY International Edition


President’s actions might have been wildly inappropri­ate but not criminal

- Jonathan Turley Jonathan Turley, law professor at George Washington University, is a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributo­rs.

Former FBI director James Comey’s testimony on Thursday received the same breathless reactions that have long characteri­zed coverage of the Russian investigat­ion. The desire for some indictable or impeachabl­e offense by President Trump has distorted the legal analysis to an alarming degree. The legal fact is that Comey’s testimony did not establish a prima facie — or even a strong — case for obstructio­n.

It’s true that if Trump asked Comey for his “loyalty” and asked him to go easy on a former senior adviser, Trump’s conduct was wildly inappropri­ate. However, talking like Tony Soprano does not make you Tony Soprano. Trump is not the first president to express dissatisfa­ction with an investigat­ion by the Justice Department. Former president Bill Clinton made clear his own dissatisfa­ction with the investigat­ions of his administra­tion under then- Attorney General Janet Reno. It is no surprise that Trump wanted to see these investigat­ions end. Indeed, he had a virtual hashtag to that effect. DEFINE OBSTRUCTIO­N The crime of obstructio­n of justice has not been defined as broadly as suggested by commentato­rs. While there are a couple of courts with more expansive interpreta­tions, the crime is generally linked to obstructin­g a pending proceeding as opposed to an investigat­ion. Most courts have rejected the applicatio­n of obstructio­n provisions to mere investigat­ions. The manual used by federal prosecutor­s makes that same distinctio­n.

Trump telling Comey that Michael Flynn is “a good guy” and that he “hoped” Comey would let the matter drop is hardly a “cancer,” let alone a crime, growing on the presidency. Flynn had just resigned the day before Trump allegedly asked Comey whether he could now drop the investigat­ion of Flynn. Trump had been told by Comey that he is not under investigat­ion. Trump could say he felt Flynn had suffered enough. For a defense lawyer, a charge of obstructio­n on these facts would be a target- rich environmen­t.

The mere fact that Trump asked to speak to Comey alone would not implicate the president in obstructio­n. Trump could argue that he sought to exclude Attorney General Jeff Sessions and others who were facing calls for recusal in the investigat­ion. He could claim that he viewed this as a personal inquiry on behalf of a friend. He was, of course, wrong.

However, to treat the desire for a private conversati­on as inescapabl­e evidence of obstructio­n is to deny the obvious defenses in the case. A prosecutor should never seek to indict a president absent a lead- pipe cinch of a case. This is no such thing. ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMEN­T There is also the problem of indicting a president if there was a crime and evidence to fit it. Many academics say a president cannot be indicted. It remains an open question. Judges have faced indictment before impeachmen­ts. Yet the president remains the head of the executive branch handling such prosecutio­ns.

The proper course is for a president to be impeached and removed before any prosecutio­n. That protection from prosecutio­n is no gift to a president.

Impeachmen­ts are not subject to the rules of evidence or even the criminal code. Presidents can face a much broader array of evidentiar­y demands with far less protection under due process rules. A president can also be impeached for acts that are not technicall­y crimes. Abuse of office is a classic example.

However, analogies to Watergate show little understand­ing of those articles of impeachmen­t. The first article against President Nixon was an obstructio­n allegation, but it was linked to actual and serious crimes, including the break- in at the Watergate. The article listed personal actions taken by Nixon and his subordinat­es to procure false statements, obstruct investigat­ors, and “to conceal the existence and scope of other unlawful covert activities.”

Ironically, those who want a criminal charge now are committing the very offense that they accuse Trump of committing: disregardi­ng the law to achieve their desired goal.

It would be a highly dangerous interpreta­tion to allow obstructio­n charges at this stage. If prosecutor­s can charge people at the investigat­ion stage of cases, a wide array of comments or conduct could be criminaliz­ed. Courts have limited the crime precisely to avoid this type of open- ended crime where prosecutor­s could threaten potential witnesses with charges unless they cooperated.

We do not indict or impeach people for being boorish or clueless ... or simply being Donald Trump.

 ?? CHIP SOMODEVILL­A, GETTY IMAGES ?? A demonstrat­ion outside the White House against President Trump’s firing FBI Director James Comey last month.
CHIP SOMODEVILL­A, GETTY IMAGES A demonstrat­ion outside the White House against President Trump’s firing FBI Director James Comey last month.

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