USA TODAY International Edition

Harvard courts clickbait instead of excellence

- Kathy Kiely

Who says Harvard is a bastion of the intellectu­al elite? Just like the rest of us, the blue chippiest of American educationa­l institutio­ns is a sucker for clickbait.

There’s no other way to explain the excruciati­ngly embarrassi­ng contretemp­s over an eye-poppingly odd couple of fellows named by the university’s prestigiou­s Institute of Politics: former White House spokesman Sean Spicer and formerly imprisoned whistle-blower Chelsea Manning.

As the geniuses who dreamed up this pairing undoubtedl­y intended, the news earned Harvard buzzy headlines. Then came the blowback from partisans on the right, who see Manning as a traitor. Harvard ungallantl­y pulled the crimson carpet out from under Manning’s feet. Now there’s the inevitable noise from the left.

If a former Army intelligen­ce specialist is considered unworthy for violating public trust, Manning supporters wonder, why is Harvard having no second thoughts about Spicer, who hollered when journalist­s wouldn’t report untrue crowd sizes? It doesn’t help that the institute had earlier named Corey Lewandowsk­i, another former Trump spokespers­on, as a fellow. He had distinguis­hed himself by manhandlin­g a female reporter.

I leave it to others to ponder how either Trump mouthpiece embodies veritas, the Latin word for truth on the Harvard seal. Far more disturbing is what this says about a culture that Harvard is supposed to embody.

As a longtime journalist and now a member of a college faculty, I’m all for the First Amendment and academic freedom. I have no problem with Harvard inviting Spicer, Lewandowsk­i or Manning to speak and answer questions. But a fellowship is something different: It’s an honor, a seal of academic approval. It provides a berth for doing research and speaking out. In the cases at hand, it is also a means of laundering a résumé.

Harvard could have found much more deserving people to celebrate. One is Martin Mendez, a young Mexican journalist who returned home under the threat of death rather than waste away in deplorable detention facilities while U.S. authoritie­s dragged their feet over an asylum request that they admit was legitimate. Or how about John Tye, a State Department whistle-blower who is starting an organizati­on to help others avoid the massive legal fees his principles cost him?

Problem is, courageous journalist­s and principled public servants aren’t trending on Twitter.

Academe should be our last bastion of unadultera­ted excellence, the one place where you’d hope to find decision-makers with enough perspectiv­e and intellectu­al integrity to be immune from buzz lust. But, no. In an era when anybody can build a following on social media, its tinsel sparkle seems to have more appeal for Harvard than the sheen of sterling. To quote a certain public figure who knows a thing or two about social media and what it takes to trend on it: Sad.

Kathy Kiely, who spent four decades covering politics in Washington, teaches journalism at the University of New Hampshire and is this year’s National Press Club Journalism Institute Press Freedom fellow.

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