USA TODAY International Edition

Response to Russia hack is alarmingly nonchalant


Toward the end of the 1996 presidenti­al campaign, Republican candidate Bob Dole recited a list of Clinton administra­tion controvers­ies and memorably asked: “Where’s the outrage?”

Two decades later, the same question might be asked about the near-daily revelation­s about Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 in presidenti­al election.

At a recent news conference, the leaders of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee were quick to point out that investigat­ors looking into Russia’s role still had much work to do. But what is most amazing about the state of the Russia investigat­ion is not what remains to be disclosed, but what is known already.

To recap, the Russians: uTook out more than 3,000 social media advertisem­ents, and used false accounts to draw attention to real and fictitious news stories, in an apparent effort to sew chaos in the election.

uAttempted to break into — or at least test — the cyber defenses of at least 19 state computer systems used to run elections.

uSucceeded in breaking into the Democratic National Committee’s computers and releasing emails that fomented tensions between backers of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

uFollowed up on their American exploits with cyberattac­ks elsewhere, including in France, where they released emails from the campaign of candidate — and now president — Emmanuel Macron.

With all of this to go on, you’d think that Congress and the Trump administra­tion would have already started to push back hard by marshaling a coalition of nations willing to demand that Russia change its behavior or face consequenc­es.

But, aside from some tit-for-tat sanctions started by the lameduck Obama administra­tion, the actual response has been alarmingly nonchalant. The Department of Homeland Security took months to notify states that they had been targeted, and even then provided sloppy informatio­n.

The White House argues that Russia’s role in the election has been overhyped or is “fake news.” And the Republican-controlled Congress, though it passed a tough Russia sanctions measure this year, seems to have taken a vow of silence recently.

The reasons are clear. Neither Congress nor the administra­tion wants to call more attention to President Trump’s ties to Russia, any advantage he might have gained through Russia’s election meddling, and the fact that he and his campaign are under a special counsel’s investigat­ion related to Russia.

The Russians aren’t going away.

“Absolutely we should prepare for more” interferen­ce, Kathy Kavalec, the State Department’s deputy assistant secretary for Russian affairs, told a group of editorial writers this week. “Their overall goal is to undermine faith in government institutio­ns.”

Russian actions were an attempt to influence an American election. Whether their efforts altered the outcome does not detract from the fact they were an outrageous attack on American democracy, sovereignt­y and self-governance.

Failure to fully understand, and act on, that interferen­ce only invites Russia to repeat its sinister activity.

 ?? EDUARDO MUNOZ ALVAREZ, GETTY IMAGES ?? Rally in New York City in June.

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