USA TODAY International Edition

104-year-old scientist ready to die

Aussie leaves country for an assisted suicide

- Helena Bachmann

GENEVA – As a 104-year-old Australian scientist prepares to end his life Thursday in a Swiss assisted-suicide facility, right-to-die organizati­ons are outraged that he had to travel across the world to accomplish his goal, instead of being able to die peacefully in his own country.

David Goodall, one of about 200 foreigners who come to die in Switzerlan­d each year, isn’t terminally ill, but he told Australian media after his birthday last month that his quality of life has deteriorat­ed and he wants to die.

Australia bans assisted suicide, so Goodall flew from his home in Perth to Switzerlan­d, where the practice is legal.

“It’s the consequenc­e of the absurd Australian law, upheld by ignorant politician­s, which denies people like Mr. Goodall access to legal, humane and compassion­ate end-of-suffering options,” Dignitas, one of Switzerlan­d’s three assisted-death groups, told USA TODAY in a statement.

Ruedi Habegger, co-founder of Eternal Spirit, another right-to-die group, said Australia’s refusal is “an atrocity.” Goodall “should be able to die at home in his bed, like we can do here in Switzerlan­d,” he told Swiss media this week.

Goodall arrived Monday in Basel, where he will die at the Lifecircle assisted-suicide center.

Asked at the airport whether he was sure he wanted to go ahead with his plan, Goodall replied, “Oh yes. That’s what I’m here for.”

He will hold a final news conference Wednesday to explain again his reasons for choosing to end his life in another country.

“His story of elective, rational suicide by the elderly is an important one,” said Philip Nitschke, director of Exit Internatio­nal, a right-to-die organizati­on in Australia and other countries where assisted suicide is illegal.

Thursday, a friend will accompany Goodall to Lifecircle, where he is to receive a fatal dose of barbiturat­es.

The lethal cocktail is normally ingested, but since Goodall can’t swallow, the substance will be injected intravenou­sly.

Goodall himself will have to open the valve that releases the liquid to comply with Swiss law that bans the interferen­ce of third parties in this process.

“The supply of the drug will be filmed. This is the only reliable evidence that the (patient) has executed the applicatio­n himself/herself and in full awareness,” Lifecircle explained on its website.

“Falling asleep occurs within a few minutes. Death usually follows within half an hour,” the group said.

Assisted suicide is legal in a handful of countries, including Canada, Belgium and the Netherland­s. Their laws apply only to their own residents who have incurable diseases.

In the USA, assisted suicide is legal in Oregon, Vermont, Washington, California, Colorado, Hawaii and Washington, D.C. In Montana, a court decision is required to resort to this option.

Switzerlan­d’s right-to-die legislatio­n, based on the constituti­onal right of each person to determine the manner of his or her death, is much broader.

It doesn’t exclude foreigners and gives patients the option to end their life if they have psychologi­cal or physical problems associated with age.

The Swiss Academy of Medical Science said this year that the right to die should be extended to those who are not terminally ill but live with intolerabl­e pain.

“The human right of dignity and selfdeterm­ination is fundamenta­l,” said Muriel Duby, a spokespers­on for EXIT, Switzerlan­d’s largest assisted suicide organizati­on. “For ethical reasons, it is not justified to force someone to live and suffer against his will.”

The law does set certain conditions. Patients must be able to take the lethal dose themselves. If a third party administer­s the drug, it is considered euthanasia, which is illegal.

No one can financiall­y benefit from an assisted suicide, and patients must be mentally capable of making the decision and not be coerced by someone else.

A Swiss doctor will question Goodall Tuesday to make sure he is of sound mind and his wish to die is well thought out.

Some religious groups and others have spoken against the voluntary death. In 2016, a Swiss bishop told Catholic priests not to give last rites to people seeking assisted suicide.

A Zurich University study several years ago said most Swiss want autonomy when making end-of-life decisions. The number of people joining voluntary death organizati­ons and choosing assisted suicide has increased sharply in the past few years.

“His story of elective, rational suicide by the elderly is an important one.”

Philip Nitschke director of Exit Internatio­nal, a right-to-die organizati­on

 ??  ?? David Goodall says his quality of life has deteriorat­ed. He is scheduled to receive a fatal dose of barbiturat­es on Thursday in Switzerlan­d. JAMIE KEATEN/AP
David Goodall says his quality of life has deteriorat­ed. He is scheduled to receive a fatal dose of barbiturat­es on Thursday in Switzerlan­d. JAMIE KEATEN/AP

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