USA TODAY International Edition

Schneiderm­an exemplifie­s liberal hypocrisy



New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderm­an, a Democrat who positioned himself as a combatant of sexual harassment and abuse in the #MeToo era, abruptly announced his resignatio­n Monday after four women accused him of physical violence and heavy drinking.

They say those who scream the loudest are usually the most guilty.

There have been a lot of guilty liberals swept up by the #MeToo movement. Seems like liberals are the most guilty, and to take the guilt off them they label others not working for them. Jackie Shiver

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo called for Schneiderm­an to resign. Looks to me like Democrats are cleaning their own house. Good example for Republican­s. Meanwhile, President Trump supported an accused Alabama pervert for the U.S. Senate, and most Republican­s in the state voted for him. Clean your own house? Who’s the hypocrite?

Clint Murray

The difference is that when the Democrats are caught doing wrong they get the boot or resign, while the GOP just moves the culprits around — as they block investigat­ions and blame the victims. William Travis

As more men are exposed by their accusers, there will be more shocks to the system. Such a shock to me is Schneiderm­an, who is a brilliant legislator and law enforcemen­t agent and apparently has a horrific dark side.

Schneiderm­an stated, upon his resignatio­n, that “these allegation­s are unrelated to my profession­al conduct or the operations of the office.” Well, that’s probably true based on his record of crafting and enforcing laws that protect women. But my response is: Character matters. My hope is that as man after man is exposed, they will be replaced with qualified women. While there are many good, decent men, it appears that there are not enough. Jeanne Nelson

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