USA TODAY International Edition

Opposing view: Voting decision is a victory for ballot integrity

- Pete Hutchison

We live in an unpreceden­ted era of mobility. Typical 30-year-old Americans have moved four times since reaching voting age. They go away to college, change jobs and get married.

Americans will move a total of 11 times in their lives. Often they assume, wrongly, that their voter registrati­on moves with them. One in eight voter registrati­ons is either invalid or inaccurate. Improper and duplicate registrati­ons threaten the system’s integrity.

Americans should applaud Monday’s Supreme Court decision upholding Ohio’s law for keeping voting lists accurate. Voting is a sacred right for people in a free society. The National Voter Registrati­on Act requires states to implement voter registrati­on systems to protect that right. Ohio is serious about its duty to ensure accurate registrati­ons. Monday’s decision allows other states to follow Ohio’s lead.

Voter registrati­on officials have an extremely challengin­g job to both maintain accurate voter lists and make registrati­on widely available to eligible citizens. States must use “reasonable” means to make sure registered voters have not moved.

In Ohio, officials notify individual­s who haven’t voted in two years that they need to confirm their address. Failure to do so starts a process that leads to registrati­on cancellati­on only after the voter does not vote in two consecutiv­e national elections — a total of six years. The court properly concluded that Ohio’s process follows federal law.

All eligible Americans should be able to vote. But voters must be vigilant about keeping their voter registrati­on up to date. It is simple to confirm one’s registrati­on in every state. While no system is perfect, Ohio’s takes reasonable measures to ensure that all voters are eligible.

The dissenting justices object to the Ohio Legislatur­e’s policy decisions. But the job of judging is to apply the law as written and not to second-guess the people’s representa­tives. Monday’s decision is a victory for ballot integrity.

Pete Hutchison is president of Landmark Legal Foundation.

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