USA TODAY International Edition

FBI: We take Clinton email report seriously

We have work to do but our institutio­n is strong

- Christophe­r Wray

There has been no shortage of commentary and debate about the FBI lately, and the new report from the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General is a welcome contributi­on from an independen­t voice on events of the 2016 election season. The Bureau is entrusted with a lot of authority to carry out our mission, and with that power comes close scrutiny. That’s as it should be. Fair and independen­t oversight makes the FBI a stronger organizati­on — and that, in turn, makes our country safer.

While the Inspector General didn’t find any evidence of political bias or improper considerat­ion impacting the investigat­ion under review, all of us at the FBI take this report seriously, and we accept its findings and recommenda­tions. We’ve already taken steps to address many of the concerns it raises.

We’ll change what we need to change and improve what can be made better and stronger, and we’ll move forward with renewed focus and determinat­ion. Because that is the essence of the FBI — we learn from the past, we get better at what we need to do, and we continuall­y strive to be the very best we can be.

The IG’s report makes clear that we have some work to do, but I also want our fellow citizens to realize something important about the scope of this report. It’s focused on a specific set of events in 2016, and on a narrow set of employees connected to those events. Nothing in the IG’s report impugns the integrity of our workforce as a whole, or the FBI as an institutio­n.

Next month, the FBI will celebrate its 110th anniversar­y. Our storied history hasn’t come without missteps and errors in judgment — but we learn from those mistakes, and we forge ahead resolved to be even better. Some things, however, will not and should not ever change.

Our mission, simple and profound, is to protect the American people and uphold the Constituti­on of the United States. That mission will not change.

We are laser-focused on that mission, even when it is not easy, because we believe in the FBI. We believe in that mission, and we know it comes first. The American people come first. And that will not change.

In my 10 months so far as FBI Director, I’ve met with people in many of our offices across the U.S. and overseas, and I’ve seen the real FBI. I see people of compassion and kindness; people who hold themselves accountabl­e and treat others with respect; people who understand the importance of following the rule of law and adhering to the Constituti­on. I see 37,000 committed public servants doing extraordin­ary work with passion, pride and patriotism — and usually with little fanfare.

The men and women of the Bureau protect our country from terrorists, foreign spies and cyber hackers. They rescue our children from predators, free our neighborho­ods from the grip of violent gangs, take down white-collar criminals and corrupt public officials, and protect our civil rights.

And they do all that work while adhering to the FBI’s core tenets — the unfailing fidelity to our Constituti­on that this work demands; the bravery that it deserves; and the integrity that the American people rightly expect. That will not change.

Just this week, we were honored to have 700 new summer interns across the country raise their right hands and take an oath promising to support and defend the U.S. Constituti­on as they began their work with the FBI. These young men and women, all with a drive and passion for service, represent a select 5% of the record 15,000 applicants this year to our Honors Internship Program.

They’re attracted to a career in the Bureau because they understand the importance of what we do, and how we do it. That means doing the right thing in the right way, and pursuing the facts independen­tly and objectivel­y. That’s the best way — the only way — to maintain trust and credibilit­y with the people we serve. That’s what the good people of the FBI will continue to do. And that, too, will never change.

Christophe­r Wray is the eighth director of the FBI.

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