USA TODAY International Edition

It’s a long, strange trip to explain psychedeli­cs

- Matt McCarthy

I was amused when I saw the title of Michael Pollan’s new book, “How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedeli­cs Teaches Us About Consciousn­ess, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcende­nce” (Penguin Press, 480 pp., ★★g☆).

Books of this sort started popping up a few years ago after some doctors revealed they were giving hallucinog­ens to terminal cancer patients to help them cope. Michael Pollan, like many others, wants to know if the drugs can help the rest of us, too. Well?

Here’s the problem: Reading about an acid trip is like listening to someone recount a dream. It’s far more interestin­g to the person who experience­d it. Pollan is a gifted writer — his best-seller “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” changed the way many of us think about food — and he can make just about any topic engaging. But a deep-dive into hallucinog­ens stretches his talent.

Do we really need another investigat­ion into the transforma­tive power of LSD? The result here is a mixed bag.

“How to Change Your Mind” begins with a hunt for psychedeli­cs in the Pacific Northwest. Pollan explains how the drugs are being studied to treat all kinds of diseases, including alcoholism, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders and treatment-resistant depression.

Eventually, our narrator tries a hallucinog­enic mushroom and notes what he sees: “Fractal patterns, tunnels plunging through foliage, ropy vines forming grids.” Two trees remind him of his parents; soon he can no longer tell if the dragonflie­s around him are real. It sounds like a wild experience, but it’s not much to read about.

What follows is a series of interviews with men and women who have had “full-blown mystical experience­s, people whose sense of themselves as individual­s had been subsumed into a larger whole.” But there’s no payoff. We don’t know any more about these oddballs after reading about them. They tripped and enjoyed it. So what?

Pollan concedes that psychedeli­c experience­s are difficult to render in words, but he does his best. We’re along for the ride as he drops acid, munches psilocybin and ingests the smoked venom of the Sonoran Desert toad, transformi­ng what could be a collection of vague ramblings and psychobabb­le into some genuinely moving passages. Perhaps the most provocativ­e section examines how psychedeli­cs might help people grappling with addiction. Many people are unable to kick a toxic habit, and there’s reason to believe psychedeli­cs may actually help. But the research is in its infancy, and it’s unclear if doctors will ever routinely prescribe something like LSD. (I hope not.)

In trying to describe hallucinat­ions, he asks: “How do you put into words an experience said to be ineffable?” Unfortunat­ely, you can’t. Pollan made a valiant effort to dissuade this skeptic, but he wasn’t able to change my mind.

Matt McCarthy is an internist and author of “The Real Doctor Will See You Shortly.”

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Author Michael Pollan

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