USA TODAY International Edition

‘Top Gun 2’: Our dream casting for Goose’s son

- Bryan Alexander

Nick “Goose” Bradshaw (Anthony Edwards) died in 1986’s “Top Gun.” But his now-grown son is expected to return in the “Top Gun” sequel. According to The Hollywood Reporter, auditions have begun for the coveted role in “Top Gun: Maverick.” The sequel already has signed up Cruise’s screen rival, Iceman (Val Kilmer), now a pilot instructor. But Maverick also must face Goose’s son. In the first “Top Gun,” Maverick grappled with guilt, even though he was cleared of wrongdoing, after Goose died while ejecting from their stalled jet. We got a glimpse of the son in the original film, before the tragedy, with his father and mother (Meg Ryan) in happier times. But he’s all grown, and we’ve got the need to see one of these high-flying actors suit up for the part in “Maverick,” set to hit screens on July 12, 2019.

Duh, Anthony Edwards can play Anthony Edwards’ son

Sure Edwards is 55. But the dude is looking top form and can pull off his own screen progeny. We can do something digitally about the lack of follicles, slap on the sunglasses and we’re flying. Besides, with the latest screen de-aging advances, Michael Douglas looks as if he just walked off the set of “The China Syndrome” in “Ant-Man and the Wasp.”

Edwards is rested and ready. Nobody better to capture Goose.

Glen Powell has the demeanor and a flight suit

The Austin, Texas, native has Goose’s easy charm while also showing his comic chops

(and cheekbones) in Richard Linklater’s 2016 film “Everybody Wants Some!!” You can just hear him barking “Great balls of fire!” like Goose.

Powell, starring in Netflix’s romantic comedy “Set It Up” with Zoey Deutch, is already a contender, according to THR. Major plus: He already proved he can handle fake high-altitude flight as astronaut John Glenn in “Hidden Figures.” He might even have that flight suit somewhere.

Nicholas Hoult is already a grown-up boy

Hoult, another reported contender, is the kind of top-shelf actor who disappears into every role, from the War Boy Nux in “Mad Max: Fury Road” to Beast in the “XMen” franchise.

No doubt he’s gelling up his hair and sleeping in RayBans to prepare for the audition. Bonus points: He played the awkward boy Marcus alongside Hugh Grant in 2002’s “About a Boy.” To go from Marcus to Beast shows he understand­s the needed character arc.

Get Dylan O’Brien back on that flight list

O’Brien was “in the mix in a previous stage” for the role, according to THR.

Well, put him right back in the mix, immediatel­y. Between “Teen Wolf” and his role in “American Assassin,” Goose’s son is right in O’Brien’s wheelhouse. Supremely likable, sensitive, with just enough cockiness, he has a built-in young fan base to boot.

Miles Teller would bleed for this

Teller is said to be on the short list. It’s not a natural thought. But he did effectivel­y convey a troubled kid who pulled his act together to become an elite firefighte­r in Joseph Kosinski’s “Only the Brave” — and Kosinski is directing “Maverick.”

Jonathan Lipnicki is ready for the ride

Lipnicki already proved his off-thecharts screen chemistry with Cruise as

Ray, the adorable son of single mom Dorothy Boyd (Renee Zellweger) in

1996’s “Jerry Maguire.” He’s 27 now. Wouldn’t it be great to hear him ask Cruise inflight, “Maverick, do you know the human head weighs 8 pounds?”

 ?? PARAMOUNT PICTURES ?? Tom Cruise and Anthony Edwards go head to head with the rest of the flyboys in “Top Gun.”
PARAMOUNT PICTURES Tom Cruise and Anthony Edwards go head to head with the rest of the flyboys in “Top Gun.”
 ??  ?? Lipnicki
 ??  ?? Powell
 ??  ?? Hoult
 ??  ?? O’Brien
 ??  ?? Teller
 ??  ?? Edwards

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