USA TODAY International Edition

Other views: Sen. McCain never quit on his country


The Arizona Republic, editorial:

“John McCain was our senior senator, but we shared him with the world. Just about every important conference on defense and foreign affairs eagerly sought McCain’s participat­ion . ... There was a moment after McCain had returned home from Washington for what looked like the last time, when journalist­s began preparing for his imminent resignatio­n. But some who knew him best realized that was foolish . ... If you sat down with him ... it wouldn’t take long before the conversati­on drifted to sports. And it is there you find the metaphor that best describes McCain: ‘He left it all on the field.’ Which is to say, he never quit on us.”

Carla Herreria, HuffPost:

“It was one of McCain’s finest political moments. At a rally for his presidenti­al bid late in 2008 campaign, an audience member ... tells him she doesn’t trust his opponent, then-Sen. Barack Obama . ... Even as McCain’s responses ... garner renewed praise, some noted that he could have made a broader point. When the woman refers to Obama as an Arab and McCain says, ‘No ... he’s a decent family man, citizen,’ without mentioning that Arabic-speaking people can also be decent citizens.”

Harry J. Kazianis, Fox News:

“In 2015, when I interviewe­d him for Real Clear Defense ... he was adamant that the Obama administra­tion was completely underestim­ating the threat posed by Russia . ... And look how right McCain was. Today, Russia is clearly one of America’s top geopolitic­al enemies . ... One can only wonder if we had listened to McCain a little more, or if he had been elected president when he ran against Obama in 2008, how different the world would be today.”

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