USA TODAY International Edition

Serena Williams is not a role model


Profession­al athletes are always reminded to be sportsmanl­ike and role models. Obviously, Serena Williams did not get the message. Her ranting, unprofessi­onal and riotous behavior during the U.S. Open was a disgrace to the sport and other members of the United States Tennis Associatio­n.

Williams should have been escorted off the court and taken a forfeiture, instead of coddled and allowed to continuall­y agitate the crowd and her excellent opponent, Naomi Osaka.

The tone of her language and relenting crybaby antics prove that she never was and never will be a role model. Kathleen Dickey

Moorestown, N.J.


USA TODAY OPINION Serena Williams was definitely outplayed, but that doesn’t change the fact that what she said is obviously true to anyone who watches enough profession­al tennis. Why is it OK to have a clear double standard where the rules are enforced differentl­y and inconsiste­ntly for men in sports? Luann Love

Lost in the mess was an outstandin­g win by an up and coming young athlete, who was doing quite well on her own against Williams.

The whole after-scene was a distractio­n from Naomi Osaka’s achievemen­t and graceful conduct in the midst of it all. Osaka was cast in the shadows of a meltdown of someone who should have been above such behavior, regardless of men getting away with it.

Lyle Stavast

Kudos to Williams for her graciousne­ss to Osaka, and keeping the crowd under control. Jan Ogden

Williams should be mad. The U.S. Open makes millions off of her dedication to the sport. She should be given much more respect! Charlotte Taylor

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