USA TODAY International Edition

Study: Pot worse than alcohol for teen brains

- Joel Shannon

Marijuana use may pose a greater risk to the developing brains of teenagers than alcohol consumptio­n, according to a new study. The analysis, published Wednesday in the American Journal of Psychiatry, found that cannabis had greater short and long-term consequenc­es than alcohol on four key components of teens’ memory. The finding surprised researcher­s. “We initially suspected alcohol would have a bigger effect,” Patricia Conrod, lead author and professor of psychiatry at the University of Montreal told USA TODAY. Researcher­s looked at four cognitive functions: Problem solving, long-term memory, short-term memory manipulati­on and the ability to stop a habitual behavior when needed. Marijuana had “significan­t” negative effects on all four, while the study could not tie alcohol to negative effects, Conrod said. However, alcohol’s effects may be greater as teens drink more later in life, Conrod said. Authors examined nearly 4,000 students in the Montreal region over four years, starting when the average participan­t was about 13 years old. The students took yearly memory tests and self-reported their alcohol and marijuana use. Those reports were kept confidenti­al “unless such informatio­n indicated imminent risk of harm,” authors wrote. By the fourth year, three-quarters of the students had consumed alcohol at least occasional­ly, while only about 30 percent of participan­ts had used marijuana. But the study observed more daily marijuana users than alcohol users, Conrod said.

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