USA TODAY International Edition

Opposing view: Trump is reflecting anger, not creating it

- Newt Gingrich is a former speaker of the House of Representa­tives. Newt Gingrich

Many in the news media and Washington's elite circles say President Donald Trump's tough position on immigratio­n is a scare tactic to generate Republican anger ahead of the midterm elections.

What they don't understand (and didn't understand in 2016, either) is that Trump isn't creating this anger — he's responding to it.

Americans are legitimate­ly angry that after decades of congressio­nal inaction, judicial activism and bureaucrat­ic sabotage, we now have a “catchand-release” system at our border. This means that many of those coming here illegally are caught and then, owing to loopholes in our laws, are released into the country and skip their final deportatio­n hearings.

Americans are angry that over the past two decades, immigratio­n has increased the size of the non-high school graduate labor force by approximat­ely 25 percent. So, at the same time automation is eliminatin­g good paying jobs that don't require much education, our immigratio­n system is making it harder for Americans to get jobs.

Americans are also legitimate­ly scared that our government can't stop the massive flow of drugs across our southern border — particular­ly fentanyl-laced drugs, which have killed tens of thousands of Americans in recent years — or the Latin American gangs that traffic the drugs and terrorize American communitie­s.

Americans are furious that the immigratio­n system that their tax dollars support is incompeten­t, erodes economic opportunit­y, and puts their lives at risk.

And now Americans see thousands of Central Americans heading toward our border and more caravans forming behind them. The Gallup World Poll estimates 37 million people from Latin America and the Caribbean want to immigrate to the United States. Americans realize that if this caravan is allowed to take advantage of our broken system, then the next caravan will be even larger.

So, when normal Americans see President Trump addressing their concerns and forcing issues such as the caravan and birthright citizenshi­p into the mainstream political dialogue, they're not outraged; they're glad that someone is finally listening. And if the elites in media, government and academia continue to ignore this issue and malign President Trump's efforts, the American people will only get angrier.

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