USA TODAY International Edition

‘More than a great man; he was a good man’

- Jessica Estepa

Tributes honoring former President George H.W. Bush and his more than 50 years of public service poured in from around the world Saturday.

“He was more than a great man; he was a good man. His courage was matched by his compassion; and his dedication to country was equaled only by his devotion to his family.” George P. Bush, grandson

“I already miss the greatest human being that I will ever know. Love you Dad.” Jeb Bush, son

America has lost a “patriot and humble servant in George Herbert Walker Bush. While our hearts are heavy today, they are also filled with gratitude. Our thoughts are with the entire Bush family tonight – and all who were inspired by George and Barbara’s example.” Former President Barack Obama

“Through his essential authentici­ty, disarming wit, and unwavering commitment to faith, family, and country, President Bush inspired generation­s of his fellow Americans to public service — to be, in his words, ‘a thousand points of light’ illuminati­ng the greatness, hope, and opportunit­y of America to the world.” President Donald Trump

“I have often told my children ‘If you want a role model in your life — look to President George Herbert Walker Bush.’ ” Former Vice President Dan Quayle

“He never stopped serving. I saw it up close, working with him on tsunami relief in Asia and here at home after Hurricane Katrina. His remarkable leadership and great heart were always on full display.” Former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton

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