USA TODAY International Edition

‘Milkman’ delivers gripping story of life in wartime

- Mark Athitakis

The 18-year-old woman who narrates Anna Burns’ dark, piercing novel “Milkman” (Graywolf Press, 360 pp., just wants to mind her own business.

Read a book while walking home, or catch a sunset with the guy she’s kindasorta seeing. But she’s in a time and place where minding one’s own business is all but impossible.

Burns’ novel, winner of this year’s Man Booker Prize in Britain, is now being published in the U.S. It’s set in the 1970s and inspired by the Troubles, which for decades consumed Burns’ native Northern Ireland with sectarian violence. That conflict – over Northern Ireland’s relationsh­ip with the United Kingdom, and stoked by religious divisions – goes unnamed, as does the narrator. That makes the book less historical fiction than an allegorica­l tale on how life in a war zone short-circuits our capacity to speak and think clearly.

“These were paranoid times. These were knife-edge times, primal times, with everybody suspicious of everybody,” the narrator explains.

The atmosphere turns every abnormalit­y, however slight, into a target for surveillan­ce and scrutiny. The narrator’s walks catch the attention of Milkman, a so-called paramilita­ry “renouncer” (akin to the Irish Republican Army that opposed British rule), who has an unsettling depth of knowledge about this young woman. Her “maybe-boyfriend” who she’d rather spend time with is eyed as a traitor merely for owning a car part bearing the flag of the nation “over the water” (read: England). Birth names, family ties, even pantry contents can raise eyebrows: “The right butter. The wrong butter. The tea of allegiance. The tea of betrayal.”

Burns keeps the violent consequenc­es of all this – the bombings and knee-cappings – largely to the side. Instead, she focuses on the psychologi­cal impact of the second-guessing, where even taking somebody to the hospital becomes fraught with political calculus. That can make “Milkman” a difficult novel to find a foothold in: The narrator can be digressive and repetitive. But once Burns’ purpose becomes clear, her style powerfully evokes the narrator’s sense of emotional entrapment.

The plot turns on the young woman’s efforts to escape Milkman’s stubborn attentions. Her neighborho­od quickly assumes they’re an item, and she’s embraced by tough-willed girlfriend­s of other renouncers. (Her reputation makes her so feared at one point that a crowded fast-food restaurant comically clears out when she steps inside.)

Burns’ novel is a lament for the violence that has affected everyone in the narrator’s life. It is strongest in its attention to the way factionali­sm blasts away nuance and self-expression. In a revealing moment, the narrator’s French class is terrified of describing a sky as anything but blue. To think otherwise “meant anything could be any color, that anything could be anything, that anything could happen, at any time, in any place, in the whole of the world, and to anybody . ... A colorful sky, just like that, could not be allowed to be.”

“Milkman” makes a passionate claim for free thinking in a place where monochroma­tic, us-versus-them ideology prevails.

 ?? WPA POOL VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, presents the Man Booker Prise for Fiction to “Milkman” author Anna Burns in October.
WPA POOL VIA GETTY IMAGES Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, presents the Man Booker Prise for Fiction to “Milkman” author Anna Burns in October.
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