USA TODAY International Edition

Our view: Shutdown sickens TSA screeners, air travel


Finally, the wall is being built. Unfortunat­ely, it is being erected at airport security checkpoint­s, between planes waiting to take off and passengers trying to reach their gates.

With each day, this obstacle grows more imposing as Transporta­tion Security Administra­tion agents, unpaid for weeks, call in sick, creating ever lengthenin­g lines. In the early days of the government shutdown, most agents turned up for work assuming their paychecks would be forthcomin­g. In recent days, a growing number have called in sick, in some cases to take temporary jobs that allow them to pay their rent and feed their families.

This is the state of American democracy in early 2019. Our government leaders are so intent on their picayune fights and kowtowing to their political bases, they seem oblivious to the human suffering and economic harm they are causing.

They are hindering the many travelers just trying to get to their destinatio­ns. They are doing even worse things to the TSA airport screeners, most of whom earn from $25,518 to $44,134 annually, plus “locality pay.”

Airport security is just one of the many areas to suffer from the recordlong partial government shutdown. Members of the Coast Guard became the first active-duty service members to go without pay. The Food and Drug Administra­tion is nearing the point where it will stop approving new drugs. Tax refunds, airplane inspection­s, food safety and other areas could be affected as well.

But the issue of airport security is the most cruelly ironic. The TSA was created after the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, a real security crisis. Now it is being undermined in the name of a border problem that falls far short of a national emergency.

President Donald Trump’s insistence on fulfilling a campaign promise to build a border wall — combined with a similarly unified Democratic front determined to thwart his ambitions — has led to the 26-day shutdown.

Some people, generally those who don’t fly much, shrug at the travails of TSA agents. Others argue that the shutdown proves it is time to privatize the agency and get the screeners off the government payroll.

That would be a mistake. The TSA was created (and today is deployed at most American airports) thanks to a bipartisan consensus after the 9/11 hijackings that the private contractor system in place at the time had failed catastroph­ically.

With terrorists fixated on blowing up jetliners, Republican­s and Democrats alike reasoned — correctly, in our view — that a federal law enforcemen­t agency should replace a system of low bidders hired by airport authoritie­s.

Perhaps it will take a mass walkout or a sickout by unpaid TSA screeners to force an end to this idiotic shutdown. We wouldn’t condone or encourage such a disruptive work action, but we could understand if it happens.

 ??  ?? TSA agents working unpaid since Dec. 22. MARK RALSTON/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
TSA agents working unpaid since Dec. 22. MARK RALSTON/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

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