USA TODAY International Edition

Our view: Trump insiders paint a disturbing picture


President Donald Trump likes to say that he hires only the best people and that his White House operates like a well-oiled machine.

But a steady stream of insider accounts flowing out of the West Wing suggests that there's more madness than method to this administra­tion.

The most recent entries are two books that just hit best-seller lists, one by former White House aide Cliff Sims, the other by ex-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a onetime Trump adviser.

Sims dishes about Oval Office backstabbi­ng in his explicitly titled “Team of Vipers.” Christie's “Let Me Finish” laments Trump's choice of “amateurs, grifters, weaklings, convicted and unconvicte­d felons ... hustled into jobs they were never suited for.”

The authors join a pantheon of disgruntle­d leakers or tattling ex-staffers telling tales of incompeten­ce at the highest executive levels. Last week, someone handed Axios three months of Trump's daily schedule, revealing in mortifying detail how the president spends more than half of his workday in vague “executive time” activities.

The consistent, mounting evidence of internal dysfunctio­n is growing increasing­ly difficult to ignore or to explain away. Remember, these accounts aren't coming from Democrats or antiTrump pundits:

❚ A senior Trump administra­tion official, writing an anonymous column in The New York Times, characteri­zed the president as “impetuous, adversaria­l, petty and ineffective,” with decisions that are “half-baked, ill-informed and occasional­ly reckless.”

❚ Bob Woodward, in his best-selling book “Fear,” diagnosed a White House suffering a “nervous breakdown,” with aides stealing papers off Trump's desk to deter bad policy. Former Chief of Staff John Kelly was quoted as saying: “We're in Crazytown.”

❚ “Fire and Fury” by Michael Wolff and “Unhinged” by Omarosa Manigault Newman, the ex-White House aide and former reality TV star, questioned the president's mental well-being.

Sprinkled throughout these tell-all tomes are unflattering assessment­s by top aides. Ex-Defense Secretary James Mattis, according to Woodward, said Trump comprehend­s like a “fifth- or sixth-grader.” And former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has never denied reports that he labeled Trump a “moron.”

Trump and his supporters have questioned the credibilit­y of some writers, or dismissed their accounts as sour grapes. But you have to wonder how so many aides who were hailed as brilliant choices on their way into the administra­tion suddenly became incompeten­t hacks on their way out.

With more books in the pipeline, the Trump campaign is eager to try to enforce nondisclos­ure agreements signed by ex-staffers. What doesn't the White House want the public to know?

Trump administra­tion insiders keep trying to warn the world that something is terribly awry. Americans ignore them at their peril.

 ??  ?? Donald Trump and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in 2016. JOHN MINCHILLO/AP
Donald Trump and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in 2016. JOHN MINCHILLO/AP

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