USA TODAY International Edition

Border walls won’t stop Mexican drugs

Build robust alliances with our neighbors

- Sam Quinones

In recent weeks, our national politics have been consumed with President Donald Trump's proposed wall along our border with Mexico.

Much of the support for it is rooted in the opiate epidemic and the feeling among many, including the president, that a wall will staunch the flow of drugs coming into the USA from Mexico. Many regions that voted for Trump have not only been hammered by jobs going to Mexico, but they also now watch as Mexican drugs are part of why neighbors and loved ones are dying. I share their outrage.

Drug traffickin­g north from Mexico is a pestilence, and it's an essential factor in our national epidemic of addiction and death. (And it is no less serious than the savage violence in Mexico fueled by equally pestilenti­al guns trafficked from the United States, by which the gravest security threat in our hemisphere is arming itself.)

Mexican drug supply — cheap, prevalent and horribly potent — hinders users attempting to recover from addiction and makes relapse a deadly gambit. Because it is so serious, because people are dying in record numbers from drugs smuggled up from Mexico, it must be met with serious proposals.

A wall — or better put, another wall — along our southern border would do little to stop the flow of drugs coming up from Mexico. If walls worked in that way, no drugs would enter our prisons.

We already have hundreds of miles of border walls. They are where they need to be. They aren't immoral. The rule of law is precious; I learned that living for a decade in Mexico, where it is too often absent. Part of the rule of law is an orderly border.

Walls have done what they can do

Plus, we've already seen what happens without physical barriers. I've interviewe­d several ex-coyotes in Tijuana, who smuggled people across from the 1970s until President Bill Clinton built the first wall there in 1993. They describe a border out of control, with hundreds of people running across every evening, for years, deluging an outmanned Border Patrol.

There were rapes, beatings. Money from illegal immigratio­n fed the city's underworld, police corruption. It persuaded young “campesinos” from the south to learn to smuggle, and a good number of them went on to smuggling drugs. Throngs of street vendors set up every afternoon at the borderline catering to prospectiv­e illegal crossers. Walls and other measures restored order, ended the marketplac­e, protected the wetlands, allowed for peaceful use of the nearest San Diego beaches.

Some areas of our border with Mexico might still need walls, and existing walls will need repair. But for the most part, our border walls have done what they can do.

This is not to say the border is sealed in a literal sense. In an era of free trade and internatio­nal supply chains, to truly seal a 2,000-mile border would require draconian measures — massive inspection­s of vehicles, for example — that would savage our economy.

But illegal border crossing is now in good measure a boutique industry, designing crossing solutions for individual­s. In the Tijuana region, the cost of crossing illegally runs from $6,000 to $14,000 per person, up from a fixed rate of $300 in the early 1990s. I take this price range — beyond what most working-class immigrants can afford — to be the market's expression of a border that is effectively closed, at least where crossers are concerned.

Heroin is cheaper than ever

Yet walls have notably not stopped the flow of drugs. The market reflects that, too. Heroin is cheaper and more potent than ever. Ninety percent of it comes from Mexico. Mexican methamphet­amine is flooding neighborho­ods; trafficker­s give it away as a come-on to prime demand among our country's new population of opiate users.

These drugs come through areas with walls.

Former associates testifying against Mexican drug capo Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, who was found guilty on all counts Tuesday at his trial in New York, described sending drugs through border crossings, areas with walls, and not through isolated unwalled areas.

Or the trafficker­s use airports. Or the U.S. mail, through which a lot of fentanyl arrives from China.

In an era of heroin and fentanyl, the only true bulwark against these horribly potent drugs is built through robust alliances with neighbors. Working together in small, incrementa­l ways. That takes time. Takes willingnes­s. Takes learning about the neighbor. It takes honestly facing our role in this — our drug demand and our guns smuggled south — and Mexico facing its historic complacenc­y regarding its trafficker­s and the deadly dope they supply.

Another border wall embodies the delusion that we can go it alone against an internatio­nal scourge, with the added promise that it will magically transform the country. Instead, it is, I believe, a distractio­n, allowing us to avoid the hard daily work of building alliances, and confrontin­g our own accountabi­lity for the knotty problem of internatio­nal drug traffickin­g.

The opioid addiction crisis began because we believed in an easy answer to a complicate­d problem: one pill for everyone's pain. Doctors could prescribe narcotic painkiller­s, derived from the opium poppy, indiscrimi­nately to all pain patients without risk of addiction. The drug catastroph­e we're now living with is rooted in that myth.

The drug scourge that resulted is too deadly to waste time on another.

Sam Quinones is a freelance journalist and the author, most recently, of “Dreamland: The True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic.”

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