USA TODAY International Edition

Singles should learn to love themselves

- Rasha Ali

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be reserved for couples. Love is love whether you have a partner or are loving on yourself.

Feb. 14 is right around the corner, and if you find yourself dreading seeing everyone coupled up and in love — don’t. We get it, all the #relationsh­ipgoals and lovey-dovey messages on your social media feed can get a tad nauseating — no one cares about your basic box of assorted chocolates and dozen mediocre red roses, Becky!

OK, back to self-love. You should definitely love yourself every day, but why not take the holiday of love to celebrate how amazing you are?

This year (and honestly every year), choose yourself.

Here are a few tips on how to be your best Valentine to date.

Write yourself a love letter

Have you looked in a mirror lately? Because, wow, you are gorgeous (inside and out). Why not write your bad self a love letter to show your appreciati­on?

Wellness practition­er Liana Naima suggests gifting yourself a love letter by using one of these prompts: I love you because …

I appreciate you because …

I have grown into …

I recognize that …

This will give you time to reflect on all the reasons you love and appreciate yourself and see how much you’ve grown.

Take yourself on a movie date

OK, a solo movie date may sound a little bit sad at first, but hear us out. You don’t have to compromise on where to sit in the theater; take your pick. The (movie theater) world is your oyster.

You also don’t have to miss important scenes because your date is constantly asking questions about the plot. You never have to coordinate timing; you can take yourself to the movies whenever you want.

Dance it out

No dancing partner? No problem. You’re your own best dance partner. Naima suggests creating a playlist of your favorite songs and just letting loose and dancing. She says this will help you playfully connect with your inner child.

“Dancing can help trigger confidence in your body and free you from selfjudgme­nt,” Naima says.

Treat yourself to a spa day

Name one thing better than a relaxing day spent getting massages, pedicures and facials? We’ll wait.

This can go two ways: You can either take yourself to a spa, or you can engineer a spa day at home.

If you’re going with the latter option, you have full control over how simple or luxurious you want your spa day to be. The possibilit­ies are endless. Light some soothing candles for ambiance. Run a bubble bath with your favorite essential oils, and make yourself a face mask. Pop open a bottle of your favorite wine and kick back and relax.

Meditate on some chocolates

Did someone say chocolate? Naima recommends buying a box of your favorite chocolates (a plus is that you don’t have to share the box with anyone) and meditating.

“Contemplat­e the wisdom of your heart: How does your heart feel? Does your heart feel open and accepting or closed and fearful?,” Naima said. “While savoring the chocolate, close your eyes, place one hand over your heart and breathe through any tension you may feeling.”

Naima says that meditation can improve your ability to be introspect­ive and can make you more compassion­ate.

Maybe after a few hours of mediating and chocolates, you’ll be able to tolerate your friend’s fifth Instagram post about her bae.

Spend it with your friends

Valentine’s Day is about love, which isn’t reserved just for significant others. If you love your friends (or at least really, really like them), consider spending it with them.

You can get together at one of your homes and cook a meal together or even get dressed up and go on a nice dinner date. Buy or make each other gifts and shower each other with love.

It’s a great way to spend Valentine’s Day if you really don’t feel like being alone.

Do you, boo

At the end of the day, Valentine’s Day is just another day. You can do everything to celebrate, or you can do absolutely nothing at all.

Want to wallow? Cool. Take your mom on a date? Awesome.

After all, the day is about you. Or not you, if you don’t feel like recognizin­g the holiday. We support you either way.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Wellness expert Liana Naima recommends Valentine’s singles savor a box of their favorite chocolates and meditate on their heart’s desires.
GETTY IMAGES Wellness expert Liana Naima recommends Valentine’s singles savor a box of their favorite chocolates and meditate on their heart’s desires.

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