USA TODAY International Edition

Sanders is not a novel candidate anymore



In classical rhetorical theory, the word “kairos” refers to the opportune time and/or place — that is, the right or appropriat­e time to say or do the right or appropriat­e thing. On Tuesday, timing remained a significant concept for understand­ing political events. Case in point: the announceme­nt by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders that he is running to be president in 2020.

In 2016, when Sanders mounted a strong challenge for the Democratic nomination, his message was rhetorical­ly unique and persuasive — standing in sharp contrast to that of Hillary Clinton


Voting straight on party line is the stupidest thing a voter can do. Vote for individual­s. Otherwise, you’re just extending the tribal trap, on either side.

I like seeing a large Democratic race. It’s a good thing. Listen to all of them and see how they treat each other. You’ll then know how much influence their centrist or progressiv­e base holds. Lyle Stavast

Sanders is not a Democrat. He should not be at debates and should not receive the party’s support. @kdmport

Sanders might actually have a chance of winning the nomination, if and others. This is no longer the case. Most of his progressiv­e ideas — Medicare for All, free college tuition, higher taxes for the wealthy, etc. — are advocated by several candidates already in the Democratic race.

But one might also argue that “kairos” works rhetorical­ly against Sanders for another reason. President Donald Trump has set the agenda for the 2020 general election, potentiall­y pre-empting Democratic proposals by making “socialism” an evil term. If what I am suggesting is true, Sanders may not be the best choice — and probably won’t be nominated.

Richard Cherwitz


the Democratic Party doesn’t rig the primaries against him — again.

Mark Smith

Democrats need a nominee who can win parts of the South and the heartland. Sanders has a concentrat­ed following, but that’s no winning scenario. @twit6615

Democrats need a young moderate who is smart and down to earth, and they’ll have a chance of winning.

Jeff Sicuranza

Sanders would be 79 on his inaugural year in 2021. He would be 87 at the end of a second term. I’m 68, and I assure you that age matters. He’s far too old. Time to move on. @dpcastor

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