USA TODAY International Edition

Trump impeachmen­t is off the table for now

Voters can decide in the 2020 election

- Sally Kohn Sally Kohn is author of “The Opposite Of Hate: A Field Guide To Repairing Our Humanity.”

Let me begin by stating my deeply held beliefs. I believe that not only is Donald Trump an immoral, unethical and patently hateful president, but also that there is sufficient evidence to suggest he has broken the law in the pursuit of that office and while holding it. As a trained attorney, I believe his actions with regard to obstructio­n of justice and violation of the emoluments clause of the Constituti­on are impeachabl­e offenses. And as a pluralist who is appalled almost every day by Trump’s actions in office, I feverishly hope for and even root for his impeachmen­t.

However, it would be better for our democracy — for our chances of ultimately moving forward as a more unified, inclusive and equitable nation — if Donald Trump is removed from office by voters rather than Congress.

Instead of looking at the anti-climactic Mueller report as the potential end of the impeachmen­t process, I think we should view it as the beginning of the end for Trump’s 2020 reelection prospects. And Trump being democratic­ally defeated would ultimately be the best outcome.

What we know of the Mueller report so far raises more questions than it answers. On the matter of tacit or explicit collusion with Russia to influence the 2016 election, Attorney General William Barr tells Congress the report was conclusive in finding insufficie­nt evidence of collusion. Regardless, the extent of Russian influence in the 2016 election, which Trump and his allies downplayed, appears conclusive, and the evidence warrants public scrutiny.

In addition, according to Barr’s summary, the Mueller report was inconclusi­ve with respect to whether President Trump committed obstructio­n of justice. According to Barr, Mueller’s report states, “while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” Clearly, both the evidence in this question as well as the analysis thereof require further scrutiny, especially in light of Barr’s decision to not pursue further action on this question.

Thankfully, Democrats in the House are now in a position to raise these questions with subpoena power. Impeachmen­t is of course still an option, but the most important thing is transparen­t fact-finding — for the American people to have as much informatio­n as possible about how this president has been conducting himself while in office. Informatio­n that we should all have to decide whether to re-elect him.

Bear in mind Mueller’s investigat­ion already led to 34 indictment­s, including members of Trump’s campaign and inner circle. Even though Mueller’s findings did not prove indictable offenses by Trump, just how much evidence there is will be better understood as we see more of the report and as other jurisdicti­ons, especially New York, consider action. Trump still could find himself facing impeachabl­e offenses.

And it doesn’t mean that the stench of corruption and criminalit­y wafting off this president and his administra­tion won’t be enough to turn off voters in the next election.

In other words, there’s a spectrum of possible wrongdoing, and Trump shouldn’t think he’s in the clear. Indeed, the fact that Mueller did “not exonerate” Trump suggests the actual report could be more damning than Barr has let on.

But impeachmen­t was always a sticky wicket for Democrats with the risk that they look driven not by facts but vengeance. Now, instead, Democrats can focus on informing voters. The more the better.

Trump has benefited from an echo chamber created between his Twitter account and Fox News, where he creates his own false narrative of huge success amid unjust persecutio­n. Now Democrats are in a position to plainly present the reality of Trump and his administra­tion to the American people — hopefully now without the breathless hype of impeachmen­t at their backs.

Perhaps then voters will see just what a failure Trump has been as well as how he has twisted the law for his own agenda. Then next year, House Democrats won’t have to push him out of office. Voters will do it for them.

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