USA TODAY International Edition

In the end, it appears Donald Trump won



Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion is over. Mueller didn’t recommend any new indictment­s against President Donald Trump or any member of his family. Sure, the investigat­ion took down a couple of dubious attorneys for activities outside the scope of the initial allegation against Trump and his campaign, but these guys could have been investigat­ed by a state or federal prosecutor — without all the hoopla and expense.

This whole process was purely mean, nasty politics. Something Washington politician­s do well. The very same swamp creatures that Trump wanted to drain from Washington set up an investigat­ion to take him out and lost. Trump did exactly what you do in an ambush, fight through it and overcome.

Another thing the Washington establishm­ent is exceptiona­lly skilled at is blowing taxpayer money. Wonder how many veterans could have been helped with that amount spent on Mueller’s investigat­ion? Or how many free school lunches could have been provided to disadvanta­ged children? Or how many solar farms could have been built?

In the end, it appears Trump won fair and square. Let’s move on.

Frank Klonoski

Saint Simons, Ga.



If Attorney General William Barr is being honest in his letter about what is in special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, then why not release it to the public? You would think that they would want us all to see that President Donald Trump could be exonerated so this entire thing could be put to rest.

Joanne Momano

I’m glad that Trump isn’t a Russian spy. I just want to know where we are in our politics. Is it OK for a presidenti­al candidate to ask a hostile foreign power to do research on political rivals? When Russian or any foreign power come knocking offering “dirt” is it OK not to call the authoritie­s? What are the rules?

Gabe Topp

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