USA TODAY International Edition

Our view: Treatment of migrant children shames America


On a subject as fraught as immigratio­n, there’s plenty of room for disagreeme­nt about border security, workplace enforcemen­t, paths to citizenshi­p and other policies. But when the topic is the well-being of kids crammed into federal immigratio­n centers on the southern border, there ought to be no room for debate.

For young children, toddlers and infants guilty only of being carried or led into the United States, it’s unconscion­able for federal officials to banish them for days or weeks to squalor.

At the facility in Clint, Texas, according to a report by The New York Times and the El Paso Times (which is part of the USA TODAY Network), children have gone hungry and without hygiene, beds or adults to care for them. They’ve been buffeted by outbreaks of scabies, shingles and chickenpox.

Adult migrants, many fleeing Central American violence for asylum in the USA, are crammed for days or weeks in holding cells designed for a fraction of their number. The stench in standing-room-only conditions with temperatur­es in the 80s is a mix of unwashed bodies, untreated diarrhea and urine. That’s according to the Department of Homeland Security’s own internal watchdog.

For those watching, this is what a national disgrace looks like.

And how has President Donald Trump responded? With his characteri­stic deflection and denial. (“We’re doing a fantastic job under the circumstan­ces.”) Border officials concede it’s a crisis, albeit exaggerate­d by monitors and media, and they’re simply overwhelme­d by a 124% increase in migrants over the previous year.

Maybe so, but border officers warned superiors for months that detention conditions were crashing — to no avail. Only when the inhumanity was exposed in photograph­s, news accounts and rushed inspector general reports did officials suddenly begin finding alternativ­e housing for some 2,000 confined children.

Trump declared an end to his family separation policy last year, falsely claiming it began under President Barack Obama. But strangely, inspectors still find young children held without parents. After a decade of not a single death, at least seven migrant children have died under federal care this year.

Thankfully, the number of children in custody has eased of late. Housing for adults has expanded with the use of tents, and $4.6 billion in congressio­nal funding will provide further relief.

For now, there’s lasting damage — to the children. Many already traumatize­d by the violence they fled in their home countries risk severe mental health consequenc­es after being separated from parents and subjected to squalor in U.S. immigratio­n centers.

“Most kids will have lasting scars from what they have seen or are enduring,” Harvard psychiatri­st and bioethicis­t Wes Boyd, who has studied asylum seekers, told Axios.

Trump covets a place in history. With his administra­tion’s cruelty toward Central American migrants, he might well have earned it.

 ??  ?? Migrant detention in McAllen, Texas, last month. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY INSPECTOR GENERAL VIA EPA-EFE

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