USA TODAY International Edition

‘ The People’s Justice’

Supreme Court’s intrepid Sonia Sotomayor is a liberal warrior on the bench and off

- Richard Wolf USA TODAY

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court had heard about 15 seconds of debate over adding a citizenshi­p question to the 2020 census when Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor interrupte­d the government lawyer at the lectern.

“I’m sorry,” Sotomayor said in her familiar fashion after Solicitor General Noel Francisco insisted that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross’ plan was in keeping with a nearly 200- year- old tradition. “It’s not been a part of the survey, which is where he reinstated it, since 1950.”

None of the justices, lawyers or reporters in the marble courtroom was surprised that Francisco had yet to complete two sentences. Nor were they shocked that Sotomayor broke in 58 times

during the 80- minute debate, more than any justice in any case throughout the term.

After 10 years on the Supreme Court, Sotomayor, 65, is not only its most outspoken questioner – succeeding the late Justice Antonin Scalia, who inspired today’s “hot bench” – but its most frequent public speaker and most prolific author. Her voice, in all its forms, has become the liberal conscience on a conservati­ve court, one that speaks out in defense of minorities, immigrants, criminal defendants and death row inmates.

In the census case, her concern was that Hispanics would fear the citizenshi­p question and choose to go uncounted. That would harm areas with large immigrant population­s, which tend to be Democratic, both in terms of federal funds and seats in Congress.

Sotomayor’s Hispanic connection­s run deep. During her Senate confirmation hearing in 2009, she declared her hope that “a wise Latina woman, with the richness of her experience­s, would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Her explanatio­n stressed what she has sought to do ever since: inspire young people “to believe their experience­s would enrich the legal system.” She has embraced her roots, returning frequently to her native Bronx, New York, as well as to Puerto Rico, where her parents were born. Her public appearance­s, from Alaska to South Africa, often draw thousands; her autobiogra­phy and children’s books, tens of thousands more.

That makes Sotomayor more than a Supreme Court justice: She’s a role model. Speaking recently at George Washington University to an audience made up largely of Hispanic gradeschoo­l students, she urged them to read her recent children’s book, “Turning Pages: My Life Story,” in English or Spanish.

“Every part of this book is what’s happened to my life,” she said. “The pictures in this book are the pictures of my life. And they can be the pictures of your life, by the way. Because everything I did, I did through reading and through education.”

Sotomayor was President Barack Obama’s choice to fill the first Supreme Court seat that became vacant on his watch. Since winning Senate confirmation 68- 31 and being sworn in Aug. 8, 2009, to succeed former associate justice David Souter, she has been a reliable member of the court’s liberal wing.

These days, she may be the court’s most liberal member. She and Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the grande dame of the court’s left flank, agreed in 93% of the court’s cases last term. Over the past two terms, as the court moved further to the right, Sotomayor has written more dissents than any other justice.

She is best known for her opinions on civil rights, privacy rights and criminal justice, including death row prisoners:

Last year, she wrote a 28- page dissent from the court’s 5- 4 decision upholding President Donald Trump’s ban on travel from several Muslim- majority nations, and she summarized it for 20 minutes from the bench. After quoting Trump’s words during and after the 2016 campaign to illustrate what she called “his apparent hostility toward Muslims,” she said, “A reasonable observer would conclude that the proclamati­on was motivated by anti- Muslim animus.”

When the high court in 2015 upheld states’ use of a controvers­ial lethal injection drug in executions, Sotomayor’s dissent compared it to “what may well be the chemical equivalent of being burned at the stake.”

In 2014, when the court ruled 6- 2 to uphold Michigan’s ban against racial preference­s in state university admissions, Sotomayor took on Chief Justice John Roberts for his prior statement that “the way to stop discrimina­tion on the basis of race is to stop discrimina­ting on the basis of race.”

“The way to stop discrimina­tion on the basis of race,” she said, “is to speak openly and candidly on the subject of race, and to apply the Constituti­on with eyes open to the unfortunat­e effects of centuries of racial discrimina­tion.”

As the court has trended more conservati­ve, Sotomayor’s objections have become more frequent and forceful.

In the 2017 term, when conservati­ves dominated the court’s verdicts, she dissented in cases favoring police officers who she said “shoot first and think later,” corporatio­ns that engage in “conscience- shocking behavior,” and states that purge registrati­on rolls of “minority, low- income, disabled, and veteran voters.” When the justices absolved Texas lawmakers of having drawn most of the state’s congressio­nal and state legislativ­e districts based on racial demographi­cs, Sotomayor was typically steamed. Minority voters’ rights, she said, were “burdened by the manipulati­on of district lines specifically designed to target their communitie­s and minimize their political will.”

This past term, Sotomayor vented much of her frustratio­n at the court’s “shadow docket” – actions and orders in cases that don’t make their way to the oral argument calendar. She often dissented from the court’s decisions not to hear those cases.

Sotomayor championed prisoners complainin­g about solitary confinement, criminals labeled as “career offenders” using vague guidelines, death row inmates sentenced under procedures later ruled unconstitu­tional, defendants claiming racial bias on juries and victims of dubious prosecutio­ns.

Her empathy for criminal defendants often is shared by an unlikely ally: Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s first high court nominee. The two sit side by side on the bench and share not just inside jokes but views on criminal justice.

“Both of them are acutely aware that there are real people behind the cases, and that means they both treat the socalled least important case of the term with as much care as the most important one,” says Janie Nitze, a former law clerk for both justices.

“Both of them have a spine. Both of them have courage. And neither of them is looking for approval from anyone.”

Obama’s selection of the nation’s only Hispanic justice was historic at the time, and Sotomayor has used her fame for both fortune and inspiratio­n. Her books, led by her 2013 autobiogra­phy “My Beloved World,” have made her a millionair­e. Her speeches have returned her to the hardscrabb­le neighborho­ods of her youth.

Sotomayor’s travels go beyond the law schools and bar associatio­ns that Supreme Court justices customaril­y visit. She speaks to elementary school students and aspiring Latino lawyers, public defenders and immigrant rights attorneys. She has adopted retired associate justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s fight for civics education, joining the board of iCivics, the organizati­on O’Connor founded.

An annual stop is the “Dream Big!” program sponsored by the Bronx Children’s Museum for second- and thirdgrade­rs. “I want you to be me, because I am you,” Sotomayor told her young audience in 2016.

David Fontana, a George Washington University law professor, has called Sotomayor “The People’s Justice” because of her ability to move beyond legal and academic elites to everyday audiences. It’s a role, he says, as vital as the one she fills on the bench.

“It’s partly her votes, but it’s partly her voice, too,” Fontana says. While liberal Associate Justices Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan focus on influencin­g their conservati­ve colleagues on legal issues, he says, Sotomayor is “playing that outside game – persuading people out there in the world, not just on the court.”

 ?? ALEX BRANDON/ AP ?? Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, appointed to the bench in 2009 by President Barack Obama, meets with students, top, at Silver Creek Middle School in Maryland in March.
ALEX BRANDON/ AP Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, appointed to the bench in 2009 by President Barack Obama, meets with students, top, at Silver Creek Middle School in Maryland in March.
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg celebrate Women’s History Month in 2015.
GETTY IMAGES Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg celebrate Women’s History Month in 2015.
 ?? RICH SCHULTZ/ GETTY IMAGES ?? Sotomayor, a New York Yankees fan, holds court in the “Judge’s Chambers” as the Yankees play the Boston Red Sox in 2017.
RICH SCHULTZ/ GETTY IMAGES Sotomayor, a New York Yankees fan, holds court in the “Judge’s Chambers” as the Yankees play the Boston Red Sox in 2017.

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