USA TODAY International Edition

Israel lost an opportunit­y to build a bridge with Reps. Omar and Tlaib



Israeli officials said Thursday they would bar Reps. Ilhan Omar, D- Minn., and Rashida Tlaib, D- Mich., from visiting Jerusalem and the West Bank this weekend. This followed a Thursday morning tweet from President Donald Trump that said Israel would show “great weakness” if the two were permitted entrance.

The congresswo­men’s visit to Israel had all the appearance­s of a political publicity stunt that would not have ended well for Israel. I don’t think they had a valid reason to go there.

Jim Reid

In doing this, Israeli officials are wounding moderate support of Israel. William Worsham

Any other president would’ve been outraged if any U. S. citizen, let alone members of Congress, were barred from entering another country. Trump pressured an ally into not admitting congresswo­men into its country. Where is the outrage from our State Department? It is astounding. Israel lost an opportunit­y to build a bridge; instead, it strengthen­ed its wall.

Ted Scott

Trump asked Israel to block them, which is outrageous. Israel played Trump’s game. Shame on them. Lorraine Morell

If Republican congressio­nal leaders had a single ounce of integrity, they would tell Trump and Israeli officials that either every member of Congress should be allowed entry, or none of them will be going there.

Pete Miller

Every government has a right to decide who visits its country.

Tom Panmayil

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