USA TODAY International Edition

El Niños are going to bring more extreme weather

- Doyle Rice

Climate change will cause El Niños to be stronger, a new study suggests.

El Niños, which occur every few years, are the natural warming of sea water in the tropical Pacific Ocean that fuel weather extremes in the U. S. and around the world.

Looking back at dozens of El Niños in the past century, scientists found that they have been forming farther to the west since the 1970s.

Water is naturally warmer in the western Pacific Ocean, which translates to stronger El Niños.

And in the future, continued warming over the western Pacific as a result of climate change promises conditions that will trigger more extreme El Niño events, according to study lead author Bin Wang, an atmospheri­c scientist at the University of Hawaii.

That’s important because past El Niños – especially strong ones – have wreaked havoc around the world.

For example, globally, the 1997- 98 El Niño caused thousands of deaths from severe storms, heatwaves, floods and drought, according to a United Nations study. In the United States, strong El Niños can cause extreme flooding in California.

Wang also said there have been three “super” El Niños, starting in 1982, 1997 and 2015, and they all began in the western Pacific. During each of those El Niños, the world broke new average temperatur­e records.

The study adds to growing evidence that “El Nino events are becoming stronger under continued climate change,” said Georgia Tech climate scientist Kim Cobb, who wasn’t part of the research.

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