USA TODAY International Edition

Sen. Cruz to NBA: Don’t cave to China

Stop importing Chinese oppression to America

- Ted Cruz Ted Cruz is a Republican senator from Texas and a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. WANT TO COMMENT? Have Your Say at letters@ usatoday. com, @ usatodayop­inion on Twitter and facbook. com/ usatodayop­inion. Comments are edited for

Jackie Robinson did more than take first base for the Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15, 1947. As Americans across the country tuned into their favorite pastime, Robinson’s courage and natural talent allowed him to pave the way for a cultural revolution and the integratio­n of all Americans, regardless of color or creed. Whether it’s baseball in America, cricket in India or rugby in New Zealand, sports teams are influentia­l in forming the identity of a nation and direction of a culture.

In a country where citizens are routinely censored, surveilled and oppressed, and hundreds of thousands of Uighurs are persecuted and detained, basketball is one of the last remnants of American influence in China from before its 1949 communist revolution. That’s why lawmakers from both parties, Americans across the country, and people around the world were deeply concerned by the NBA’s initial statement of regret in the face of Chinese government disapprova­l and pressure after an American citizen’s exercise of free speech this month.

According to the league, 800 million people in China watched NBA programmin­g last year. As the most influentia­l sports league in China, the NBA has the opportunit­y to stand for freedom with the poise and courage of Robinson. Instead, the NBA is choosing to pander to the brutal and oppressive Communist Party, putting American values aside for multibilli­on dollar deals.

This all started with a single tweet from Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey, who signaled support for pro- democracy protesters in Hong Kong. “Fight for Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong” was enough to send the Chinese Communist Party into a tailspin. Out of fear of losing its fiveyear, $ 1.5 billion broadcasti­ng contract with Tencent, a tool of the Chinese government, the NBA and its athletes began profusely apologizin­g.

Regional bully

Morey’s tweet is just one example of how far the Chinese Communist Party will go to advance its authoritar­ian regime and silence anyone daring to speak against Chinese oppression and for freedom. The party is increasing­ly relying on its military to bully its neighbors and threaten American interests. It uses economic and diplomatic coercion to blackmail poor nations, leaving our allies isolated and undermined.

And despite a commitment memorializ­ed in law to protect Hong Kong’s autonomy, the Chinese Communist Party continues to ignore the democratic will of the people — oppressing free speech and trampling basic human rights.

The same week the NBA bowed to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party, I traveled to Tokyo, Taipei, New Delhi and Hong Kong, where I saw firsthand the geopolitic­al threat China poses to our friends and allies.

In Japan, I met with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and senior members of the Japanese government, and we discussed the effect of China’s aggressive military expansioni­sm and the important role of the U. S. partnershi­p — both militarily, with the Texas- manufactur­ed F- 35 fighter craft, and economical­ly, with our recent trade agreement.

In Taipei, President Tsai Ing- wen, Foreign Minister Joseph Wu and I discussed how China works overtime to isolate Taiwan and undercut its autonomy. I am a cosponsor of the bipartisan TAIPEI Act, which underscore­s America’s support for the people of Taiwan and commits to standing against China’s efforts to undermine Taiwan.

In India, during my meetings with the defense minister and commerce secretary, we discussed how our military relationsh­ip and economic partnershi­p stabilizes the region, as China seeks to use its military to bully and coerce its neighbors.

And in Hong Kong, where free enterprise abounds and per capita income is five times higher than in China, up to 2 million protesters have taken to the streets. Brave men and women, boys and girls are standing up demanding that the Chinese Communist Party protect Hong Kong’s autonomy, protect free speech and defend human rights.

American cultural revolution

I am hopeful Congress will pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. This bill specifically includes my bipartisan amendment to the United States- Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992. It will strengthen oversight over Hong Kong policy, in response to expanding moves by the Chinese Communist Party to exploit Hong Kong and circumvent the laws of the United States.

For too long, the Chinese Communist Party has used coercion and blackmail to buy silence not just from the NBA but also from industry empires like Apple, Google and Nike. I have long condemned U. S. companies that turn a blind eye to, and in some cases carry out, the Chinese Communist Party’s censorship, oppression and human rights atrocities, and I will continue working with my colleagues to hold those companies accountabl­e, and ensure that they are not importing Chinese oppression to the United States.

The American people expect more from the companies they trust and the sports leagues they cheer. American sports leagues and companies alike should embrace the courage of Jackie Robinson’s legacy. They may just find themselves paving the way for a cultural revolution worth fighting for.

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