USA TODAY International Edition

Halloween walkers: Be wary, not scary

- Nathan Bomey Here’s some advice from the National Safety Council and other sources:

Worried about your kids getting poisoned with bad candy from trickor- treating?

That fear is overblown.

Be worried, instead, about the mundane act of crossing the street.

As parents and caregivers plan for Halloween activities, it's a good time to emphasize the importance of basic safety practices for pedestrian­s, drivers and even property owners.

Pedestrian deaths in vehicle crashes hit a 28- year high in 2018 despite advancemen­ts in automotive safety, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administra­tion. Experts say a mix of factors is likely to blame, including distracted driving, speeding and urbanizati­on.

A Detroit Free Press/ USA TODAY

Network investigat­ion last year concluded that the nation's boom in SUVs is also a leading factor because they're deadlier for pedestrian­s than passenger cars. ( After that investigat­ion was published, the Governors Highway Safety Associatio­n published a report coming to the same conclusion.)

“We have increased distractio­ns, people on their phones or their devices and not paying attention, whether they're a pedestrian or a driver,” said Tammy Franks, senior program manager in advocacy for the National Safety Council.

Kids are three times more likely to be killed in a pedestrian collision on Halloween than any other day of the year, the Washington Post reported.

Halloween tips for pedestrian­s

Stick to sidewalks and obey all signals. If there’s no sidewalk, cling closely to the curb and walk against traffic.

Avoid walking between parked cars. “Especially in cul- de- sacs or dead- end streets where it might seem safe, it’s still important to” be cautious, Franks said.

Pick a neighborho­od with good lighting. More than 3 in 4 pedestrian deaths happen after dark, NHTSA says.

Always put your phone down when crossing the street. Distracted walking is believed to be a rising source of serious injuries for pedestrian­s.

Halloween tips for drivers

Absolutely no phone use. Distracted driving is extremely dangerous and may be a primary cause of the spike in pedestrian deaths, though it’s hard for researcher­s to track.

“Heads up, phones down,” Franks said.

Be alert for kids in places they might normally be, including roads, medians or curbs.

Move slowly into and out of driveways. Kids could be walking past without realizing you’re there.

Make eye contact with pedestrian­s who are crossing the street.

Prevent young drivers from hitting the road. Inexperien­ced drivers and Halloween are not a good mix.

Halloween tips for homeowners

Make sure your sidewalks are clear. That way kids won’t be tempted to walk into the road.

Turn lights on. “We want to make certain that children are seen,” Franks said.


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