USA TODAY International Edition

‘ Virginity tests’ are unscientif­ic, archaic

Rapper and doctors deserve the backlash

- Ranit Mishori and Sondra Crosby

American rapper and actor T. I. bragging on a podcast about subjecting his daughter to annual OB- GYN visits to determine whether her hymen is “still intact” has sparked widespread and deserved backlash. But as physicians, we know that T. I.’ s outrageous actions are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the unscientif­ic, archaic and degrading practice of so- called hymen checks or virginity tests.

Let’s dispel a tragically common myth right away — there is zero medical or scientific evidence that “hymen checks” can accurately or reliably determine whether a girl or woman has had sex. They are flagrant violations of the right to bodily autonomy.

Our team at Physicians for Human Rights recently pored over published research about the hymen from around the world. The reality is that many factors confound health profession­als’ ability to accurately assess changes to the hymen, such as genetic, developmen­tal, hormonal and external influences. Hymens come in many shapes and sizes — occasional­ly some women are born without one — and whether it is “intact” or not does not reflect one’s sexual experience­s.

Sadly, T. I. is not alone in his misguided belief that he can somehow verify his daughter’s “purity” through these invasive tests. In the United States and around the world, people continue to embrace pseudoscie­nce and subject too many girls and women to these demeaning exams.

Though some refer to this practice merely as a “check,” it can be very painful and uncomforta­ble, commonly involving a clinician inserting two fingers into the patient’s vagina.

If done without consent, it can constitute sexual assault.

‘ Violation of human rights'

The prevalence and acceptance of “virginity testing” reinforce gender inequality and further entrench patriarcha­l views of female sexuality. Reliance on this flawed and harmful practice is detrimenta­l to women’s and girls’ health, safety and standing in society. The World Health Organizati­on has rightly condemned this practice as “a violation of the human rights of girls and women.”

As physicians, we are sometimes asked by patients and their family members or partners to perform these exams. Although exact numbers are hard to come by, one 2017 study of nearly 300 U. S.- based OB- GYNs found that about 10% reported having been asked to perform a “virginity test” in the past year, and 34% of those who were asked actually agreed to perform it.

There are many physicians who themselves are not educated about the anatomy of the hymen and the outsize role it plays in unequal gender norms.

Clinicians must develop an awareness of not only the scientific facts, but also of the complex interplay of the cultural forces and social norms shaping the life of the patient in front of them. They must consider the moral, profession­al, ethical and practical consequenc­es of performing, or not performing, the requested evaluation.

This is where the nation’s leading medical associatio­ns can play a role. However, as we document in an upcoming article, as of October, there are no publicly accessible policies to guide members of the American College of Obstetrici­ans and Gynecologi­sts, the American College of Physicians or the American Academy of Family Physicians, among other top medical organizati­ons, about so- called virginity tests.

Lacking clear guidance

Health profession­als lack clear guidance from the organizati­ons that are supposed to support them in upholding their Hippocrati­c oath to “do no harm” and are left to navigate this ethical minefield on their own. These groups have a duty to patients and providers alike to offer science- based guidance and debunk the pervasive and destructiv­e myths surroundin­g the hymen and its role in “virginity testing.”

T. I.’ s comments are abhorrent, and his behavior exposes deeply rooted misconcept­ions about women and girls, their sexuality, anatomy, autonomy, privacy and role in society. We empathize with T. I.’ s daughter, who had to endure the indignity of these tests in the first place and who now has been dragged into the center of a global news and social media controvers­y. She does not deserve this.

For her — and for the many others who are at risk of these harmful exams, from Atlanta to Afghanista­n — let’s ensure we move beyond outrage. We must help to educate T. I. and the many others who still believe such myths — including doctors themselves.

Dr. Ranit Mishori, a professor of family medicine at the Georgetown University School of Medicine, is a senior medical adviser at Physicians for Human Rights. Dr. Sondra Crosby, a professor of medicine at Boston University, is an expert medical consultant for Physicians for Human Rights.

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 ?? PAUL ARCHULETA/ FILMMAGIC ?? Rapper and actor T. I.

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