USA TODAY International Edition

Our view: Democrats, ditch the sky- is- falling pitch


In the past century, incumbent presidents have been on the ballot 16 times. Only four times have they been turned out of office: Herbert Hoover was defeated at the height of the Great Depression. Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush went down with unemployme­nt at elevated rates in the 7% and 8% range.

For this reason, it’s a very good bet that President Donald Trump will make the economy a central piece of his reelection campaign. The unemployme­nt rate is 3.5%, the lowest it has been since the 1960s, and the stock market has been setting new record highs.

The Democratic presidenti­al nominee had better have a strong message for voters who might not like Trump as a person but who like the economy’s performanc­e since he was elected.

To date, however, the candidates’ prime pitch has been that the economy is only helping the rich. In last week’s debate, for example, former Vice President Joe Biden said, “The American public is getting clobbered. The wealthy are the only ones doing well.”

Wealth concentrat­ion, stagnant wages and weak manufactur­ing are surely worth discussion. But they can’t be the only thing out of a candidate’s mouth without general- election voters questionin­g his or her credibilit­y. In polls over the past year, roughly 70% of respondent­s say the economy is strong.

A better response would be to say that Trump inherited a strong economy. The nominee might also point out that Trump’s actions to juice the economy until the election will likely have serious consequenc­es: Trillion dollar deficits will be a burden for generation­s. Jawboning the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates low could trigger inflation. And reckless deregulati­on will cause health and safety scandals.

When Trump tries to argue that electing a Democrat would result in tanking the economy, the nominee might also point out that since World War II, the economy has done better under Democrats than Republican­s. In particular, Democratic presidents have been more fiscally responsibl­e. They ran up big deficits only during wars and deep recessions and, in 1969 and 2001, bequeathed budget surpluses to their Republican successors.

Barring a significant slowing of the economy before November, these are better arguments than those Biden and others put forth at the last debate.

While it is true that no incumbent president has been thrown out of office with a strong economy, there is one example, Lyndon Johnson, of an incumbent quitting rather than facing what looked like a dicey reelection. He made his decision not to run with an unemployme­nt rate very much like today’s as the electorate focused on Vietnam.

Something similar is true now. Many voters like the economy but are disturbed by Trump’s conduct.

Whoever faces Trump ought to exploit these misgivings while maintainin­g credibilit­y on economic matters. For voters who are working and watching their 401( k) balances rise, the sky- isfalling pitch is likely to fall flat.

 ?? ROBYN BECK/ AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden at the debate in Des Moines, Iowa, last week.
ROBYN BECK/ AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden at the debate in Des Moines, Iowa, last week.

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