USA TODAY International Edition

Rollout of tests had fatal flaws

Missteps, then untruths shackled state scientists

- Brett Murphy and Letitia Stein

The coronaviru­s epidemic reached Beadle County, South Dakota, last week. A single case tied to travel has exploded into 20 infections and counting, with no way to know how many were exposed while supply shortages forced the entire state to briefly suspend testing.

Confirmed cases in New York City, where hospitals have fallen into chaos as resources run thin, on Thursday surpassed Beadle’s entire population of 18,500. With too few tests for too many cases, doctors there already had been told it no longer made sense to test most ill patients.

From its biggest cities to its smallest towns, America’s chance to contain the coronaviru­s outbreak came and went in the seven weeks since U. S. health officials botched the testing rollout and then misled scientists in state laboratori­es about this crucial early failure. Federal regulators failed to recognize the spiraling disaster and were slow to relax the rules that prevented labs and major hospitals from advancing a backup.

Scientists around the country found themselves shackled as the disease spread.

“We were watching a tsunami and standing there frozen,” said Dr. Debra Wadford, director of the public viral disease laboratory in California, where some of the country’s earliest patients were identified.

The nation’s public health pillars – the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administra­tion – shirked their responsibi­lity to protect Americans in an emergency like this new coronaviru­s, USA TODAY found in interviews with dozens of scientists, public health experts and community leaders, as well as email communicat­ions between laboratori­es and hospitals across the country.

The result was a cascading series of failures now costing lives.

CDC leaders not only bungled their role in developing the first coronaviru­s test permitted in the country, they also misreprese­nted the efficacy of early so

“We were watching a tsunami and standing there frozen.” Dr. Debra Wadford

Director, California viral disease laboratory

lutions to state health authoritie­s. Then, public and private lab directors felt rebuffed by the FDA when they first offered to help troublesho­ot the problem by developing their own tests.

In a statement to USA TODAY, FDA spokeswoma­n Stephanie Caccomo said validating outside tests is essential in a crisis when “false results can lead to significant adverse public health consequenc­es.”

A reliable, accessible test was key to averting today’s disaster. Countries such as South Korea had already shown how such diagnostic­s – developed and scaled up with the help of the private sector at the onset – could be used to identify people with early infections before they spread the virus widely.

In late February, the CDC’s deputy director of infectious disease projected calm in a conference call with state laboratori­es. The labs were told they could now send samples to the CDC and receive results within 24 hours.

“That was a baldfaced lie,” said Wadford. At that point, she was waiting four to five days on test results for samples she had sent to the CDC.

“The most disappoint­ing part was that they couldn’t just be frank and straight with us,” said Wadford, who took detailed notes of the conference call that she dictated to USA TODAY. “Tell us the situation. Don’t sugarcoat it and lie.”

The next week, President Donald Trump tweeted: “The Coronaviru­s is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”

Since then, the United States has gone from 51 confirmed cases to more than 125,000, from zero deaths to more than 2,200, while the economic toll of shuttering wide swaths of the country has cost millions their jobs and pummeled the stock market.

Caccomo denied that the FDA was overly restrictiv­e at the onset of the outbreak and then slow to adapt to the “unpreceden­ted public health emergency.”

“We recognized the urgent need for even faster testing availabili­ty, so we quickly adapted our policies to help expedite patient testing,” Caccomo said.

The agency worked with outside labs as early as Jan. 22, she said, before opening up the emergency authorizat­ion process at the end of February. The CDC also rejected criticism that its initial response was too slow and restrictiv­e.

“CDC took the swiftest path toward getting a quality test in the face of an incredibly challengin­g public health threat,” said spokesman Tom Skinner.

The time lost in February was crucial to containing the outbreak and helping hospitals prepare, experts say. With each delay, the virus spread undetected as people likely unaware of an infection attended conference­s and weddings, frequented bars and restaurant­s and took long- planned cruise vacations.

America is now paying the price. More than half of the country’s population has been ordered to stay home to slow the spread. Doctors are rationing supplies.

From Texas to New York – now the epicenter of the U. S. outbreak – medical facilities burned through protective supplies, including masks, almost immediatel­y, in part because doctors did not have widespread access to tests a month ago, which forced them to take extensive precaution­s with all patients showing symptoms.

New York City health officials now recommend against testing patients who do not require hospitaliz­ation, even if they have symptoms such as fever, to preserve limited resources.

The crisis may soon be just as dire in rural communitie­s. As of mid- March, Dr. April Abbott, the microbiolo­gy lab director at the largest hospital chain in southern Indiana, said she could not get equipment to run her own tests, in part because the federal government does not consider her area a priority like New York or California.

“We’re not able to get testing supplies because we can’t prove we need them,” Abbott said, “And we can’t prove we need them because we can’t perform the tests.”

Abbott initially looked into sending her Deaconess Hospital patients’ samples to other labs. But the state- run lab told her they were too overwhelme­d by a bottleneck of demand to take them. Increasing­ly alarmed, she sent emails to private companies pleading for them to loan her equipment to run tests.

“Below Indianapol­is, our state has virtually no functional testing capabili

“CDC took the swiftest path toward getting a quality test in the face of an incredibly challengin­g public health threat.” Spokesman Tom Skinner

ty,” Abbott wrote to a diagnostic­s company on March 16. “I cannot overemphas­ize the lack of testing available in our region.”

Eventually she found labs in other states to take her samples, but results took almost two weeks.

“The infrastruc­ture has failed us,” Abbott said in an interview.

Federal testing push falls behind

Since early January, a virus raging in China had the attention of public health experts. A coronaviru­s, it was the newest member of a large family of viruses whose evils include the common cold.

Twenty- plus years of public health preparedne­ss drills dictated what the government should have done next: mobilize state, hospital and commercial laboratori­es to develop testing to isolate the sick and buy time for hospitals to activate plans for handling a surge.

“When you see a disaster coming, you want to go big and go now,” said Dr. Tara O’Toole, who helped develop pandemic response plans in the Department of Homeland Security under former President Barack Obama.

But for weeks, the federal testing push fell further and further behind.

On Jan. 31, after Americans began returning stateside from the outbreak’s origin in Wuhan, China, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar declared a public health emergency but called the threat to the United States “low.”

Shortly after, the FDA gave the CDC authority through an emergency use authorizat­ion to begin rolling out a diagnostic test kit for the state public health labs.

If any scientists at universiti­es, the public labs or private facilities wanted to develop their own tests – which they sometimes call “home brew” – or adopt the World Health Organizati­on’s, they would need to submit separate applicatio­ns with 28 pages of guidelines.

Labs found the process more burdensome than any other regulation they deal with.

Under normal circumstan­ces, scientists can run various tests without special FDA approval. But emergency orders shift the regulatory landscape, imposing restrictio­ns. Experts say the agency moved far too slowly to lift them, given the magnitude of the crisis.

Instead, the FDA stuck with one of the most restrictiv­e approaches possible, according to Dr. Josh Sharfstein, a former deputy commission­er at FDA.

“The response has been backwards,” said Sharfstein, now vice dean for public health practice and community engagement at Johns Hopkins University, who advocates for more regulation during non- emergencie­s and less in urgent situations like this one.

The FDA, an arm of the Department of Health and Human Services, regulates according to laws passed by Congress and guidance laid out by the administra­tion. Yet Trump has blamed the initial approach on the prior administra­tion, which he said created barriers that made it difficult to rapidly ramp up testing.

“I don’t take responsibi­lity at all,” the president said at a news conference two weeks ago.

The White House did not respond to requests for comment and directed USA TODAY to the health department, which also did not respond.

Flawed test, flawed response

The federal emergency declaratio­n allowed the CDC to begin distributi­ng test kits to state health department labs across the nation in early February.

Right away, a problem surfaced. California received its kits on a Friday. Scientists worked through the weekend, discoverin­g that some components of the CDC’s test were flawed and produced inconclusi­ve results.

The problem centered on one of the three testing components, or reagents, used to detect the new virus, COVID- 19.

On Sunday, Wadford, one of the directors of the California public health lab, franticall­y messaged colleagues at the Associatio­n of Public Health Laboratori­es. She wanted to know if other labs had found the same problem.

“We are hearing of it from at least one state lab,” an official from the laboratory associatio­n wrote back in an email. “Seems like it might be real.”

The CDC promised to quickly fix the test. But for two weeks, the agency offered temporary solutions – such as creating a new “surge” lab and offering to receive samples at CDC headquarte­rs in Atlanta.

Those patches themselves were so flawed that results that took days were often inconclusi­ve, too, Wadford said.

The CDC has acknowledg­ed problems with its testing developmen­t.

“This has not gone as smoothly as we would have liked,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of its National Center for Immunizati­on and Respirator­y Diseases, told reporters in late February.

On Feb. 24 – the same day Trump tweeted “the Coronaviru­s is very much under control” – Scott Becker, executive director of the Associatio­n of Public Health Laboratori­es, sent a letter to the FDA begging the agency to scale back its original strategy and lift the home- brew restrictio­ns preventing them from making their own tests.

Around the same time, more than 100 scientists in private labs and universiti­es wrote a similar letter to Congress.

“They are first responders with lab coats and they couldn’t actually gown up,” Becker said in an interview, calling the situation at that stage desperate.

On Feb. 29, the administra­tion changed course and began rolling back the restrictio­ns. In the coming days and weeks, the FDA continued to ease restrictio­ns to make it easier for others to come online with tests, including commercial laboratori­es.

Experts criticize the agency, however, for moving slowly given the magnitude of the health epidemic unfolding.

“CDC tests were never supposed to meet the entire need for the U. S.,” said Dr. Tom Frieden, a former CDC director.

During these lost weeks in February, federal officials missed their chance to contain the outbreak before it swept across the country, unseen.

States find themselves behind

At Texas Children’s Hospital, doctors lament the weeks that passed without an in- house test to show in hours, not days, what they were dealing with.

Dr. Jim Dunn, director of medical microbiolo­gy and virology at the hospital, had developed lab tests for the Zika virus outbreak for weeks before the FDA stepped in. He said the restrictio­ns this time prevented Texas Children’s from getting out in front of COVID- 19.

“They pulled the plug before we even had a chance to get going,” Dunn said.

In Beadle County, South Dakota, the Huron Regional Medical Center rolled out a testing protocol that leaders now acknowledg­e was aggressive to the point of overuse.

Clinicians burned through supplies, using four nasal swabs to run testing for COVID- 19 and other respirator­y concerns. The protocol eventually was scaled back to one swab per nostril, then one per patient.

As the state lab backlogged, with limited supplies to process the tests, people with suspected cases were urged to selfquaran­tine.

Testing hit a snag just as an early cluster of travel- related cases surfaced in the county of 18,500 people within a state whose entire population is less than 900,000.

Lacking a crucial chemical used to process the test, which was in short supply nationally, South Dakota’s public testing lab posted a notice online last Wednesday that it had temporaril­y suspended testing.

“It was alarming,” said Dr. Robert Summerer, president of the South Dakota State Medical Associatio­n.

The lack of test data presented a challenge for members of the associatio­n, who were trying to draft guidelines for the governor on closing restaurant­s and canceling elective surgeries. No one knew whether the state really had few cases or was clueless for lack of test results.

The day after the state halted testing, Republican Gov. Kristi Noem told the White House on a conference call that it had been juggling shortages for two weeks.

She described how the CDC kept directing the state to private suppliers, which would cancel orders for the chemical reagent at the last minute.

“I need to understand how you’re triaging supplies,” she told the White House, according to a transcript of the call. “I just don’t want to not be a priority area, because we’re a smaller state or less populated.”

“It will never happen to your state,” Trump responded.

With limited supplies, however, the state lab focused on processing cases identified as higher priority.

Beadle County’s cases already had multiplied as test results came back.

The day before the governor’s White House call, Beadle County had a single case.

On the day that Noem spoke with Trump, the count rose to four.

By Sunday, when city and county officials voted in an emergency session to shut down restaurant­s, gyms and movie theaters, there were 10.

 ??  ?? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has acknowledg­ed problems with its testing developmen­t but has denied it was too slow to respond. AP
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has acknowledg­ed problems with its testing developmen­t but has denied it was too slow to respond. AP

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