USA TODAY International Edition

Wash your produce before eating

And wash your hands but don’t share food

- Kelly Tyko

“Soaps and detergents are designed for washing hands or for washing dishes and they’re not designed for washing food.”

Don Schaffner, food science professor at

Rutgers University

Some questions may be running through your mind as the coronaviru­s pandemic wears on.

Is that apple at the supermarke­t contaminat­ed? Did someone with COVID- 19 sneeze on the peaches?

While there’s no evidence or documented cases of COVID- 19 that suggest the virus can be transmitte­d through food, experts told USA TODAY that there still is a chance to get sick if you pick up an item someone infected has sneezed or coughed on.

And while most people make good decisions, all it takes is one bad one to increase the risk.

In Pennsylvan­ia, a woman went through a grocery store coughing on food in what the store’s co- owner called a “twisted prank.”

Felicia Goulet- Miller, an instructor of microbiolo­gy at Florida Gulf Coast University, said food items, including fresh produce, can spread the disease.

“If the produce is contaminat­ed by a sick person and you touch it and then touch your face, you can become infected,” Goulet- Miller said, noting it’s another reason not to touch your faces in public and to wash hands after touching things touched by others.

Don Schaffner, a food science professor at Rutgers University in New Jersey, said informatio­n and guidance is constantly changing but that the virus doesn’t like being outside the body.

After a couple of days, the virus would be undetectab­le on a hypothetic­al apple that someone with COVID sneezed on, he said.

“What we believe is true is that you won’t get coronaviru­s from that apple, but we don’t know that definitively,” Schaffner said.

Don’t use chemicals on produce

Don’t bleach the veggies or use chlorine on the fruit. No disinfecti­ng wipes or isopropyl alcohol, either.

“These are not safe for human consumptio­n and could make you sick,” Goulet- Miller said.

And if you digest enough soap, it could be toxic, Schaffner warns.

“Those soaps and detergents are designed for washing hands or for washing dishes and they’re not designed for washing food,” he said.

“If you don’t get it all off it might cause an upset stomach.”

As for chlorine, using it incorrectl­y also comes with dangers. “Using chlorine in a way that could be harmful is worse than the risk of regular foodborne pathogens,” said Francisco Diez

Gonzalez, director of the Center for Food Safety at the University of Georgia.

How to protect yourself

The main recommenda­tion experts shared with USA TODAY along with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is to rinse produce under running water before eating it. In a statement to USA TODAY, the CDC also stressed the importance of thoroughly washing hands with soap and water “for at least 20 seconds” before preparing or eating food.

“The recommenda­tion still continues to make sure to soak ( produce) in water or put it under running water to wash out any potential contaminat­ion,” Diez- Gonzalez said, adding that cooking vegetables would also “take care of the virus.” Washing produce removes about 90% of any contaminat­ion but not everyone is taking the time to rinse before taking a bite.

“I assume that many people before this outbreak were not washing their produce,” Diez- Gonzalez said, who estimates that before the pandemic, less than 20% were washing their hands before eating.

Goulet- Miller also recommends washing fruit like bananas.

“Even if the fruit has a peel, you should wash it first because touching it could contaminat­e your hands and you could then infect yourself as you eat that delicious banana.”

No food sharing

But cleaning your produce isn’t the only thing to keep in mind. Felicia Wu, professor of food science and human nutrition at Michigan State University, said sharing any type of food or drink should be off- limits.

“It is crucial, even within families, to make sure not to share food that someone else directly bit into or drank,” Wu said, noting saliva of someone infected may contain the virus.

“That is why someone infected with this virus and coughing, sneezing or spitting close to you would increase your risk of becoming infected,” Wu said. “For that same reason, although it sounds a bit disgusting to discuss, people transmit their saliva onto the food they eat and the beverages they drink.”

Schaffner also suggests that if someone sick is in your home they “should be eating by themselves.”

 ??  ?? Wash your produce but don’t use cleaners or disinfecti­ng wipes. SEAN LOGAN/ ARIZONA REPUBLIC VIA USA TODAY NETWORK
Wash your produce but don’t use cleaners or disinfecti­ng wipes. SEAN LOGAN/ ARIZONA REPUBLIC VIA USA TODAY NETWORK

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