USA TODAY International Edition

Our view: Cash- strapped states deserve financial assistance


State and local government­s, like the rest of us, are getting hammered by the coronaviru­s. Their revenue from taxes and tolls is in free fall. They have few services they can cut and, in areas such as health care and the processing of unemployme­nt checks, they need to spend more.

What have have President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell done in response? They have stirred up a ruckus by suggesting that states go through bankruptcy rather than get bailed out with federal aid.

They seem to want to evoke headlines of yore like the New York tabloid “Ford to City: Drop Dead” or the somewhat misleading “Let Detroit go bankrupt” on a Mitt Romney column in The New York Times.

Let us state unequivoca­lly that Trump and McConnell are wrong. And right.

They are wrong because the case for states getting immediate help to cover the losses from the coronaviru­s pandemic is strong — stronger, in fact, than the case for many of the corporatio­ns lining up at the public trough. ( After taking considerab­le grief, McConnell allowed that he might OK some shortterm aid in return for shielding businesses from COVID- 19 liability.)

McConnell is also wrong, as a technical matter, in using the term bankruptcy. Our system treats states as sovereign entities, meaning that they fall outside bankruptcy laws. If one were to to become the first state since Arkansas in 1933 to default, creditors would be thrown into a free- for- all without establishe­d rules.

The state, and its cities and counties, would become outcasts, unable to finance big projects through bond markets, and unattracti­ve to new and existing businesses.

Even so, Trump and McConnell are right in the sense that some states have been irresponsi­ble for years in agreeing to overly generous pensions for public employees or not making the necessary annual payments to keep their pensions afloat. Or both. State politician­s seeking votes have found it too easy to make promises to public employees and let future generation­s worry about paying the bills.

The best course would be for Congress to give states immediate assistance to deal with pandemic- related ravages, then come back to the increasing­ly dire condition of some states later in the year, perhaps in a lame- duck session after the election.

Some states that have put themselves in huge holes don’t deserve a break. Neverthele­ss, the simple truth is also that there are enough of them that they can’t simply be cast adrift without major consequenc­es to the economy.

A few states have one or more pension funds that are beyond repair. The worst is Illinois, where several funds representi­ng state and Chicago workers are so underfunde­d that it’s hard to imagine who’d be willing to make them anything close to whole.

Several states, including California, have huge pensions funds that have been inching ever closer to dangerous precipices for years.

The good news is that Congress would have a lot of leverage to force states and public employee unions to major concession­s in return for help. Those concession­s could include reductions in payouts, mandated increases in state contributi­ons, some loss of state control over pension finances, and spinning off public employee pensions as free- standing entities so they don’t take down government­s when they fail.

These were some of the measures taken in the bipartisan 2016 law known as the PROMESA Act that saved Puerto Rico from defaulting on its general obligation bonds.

With states, what is needed is a clear- eyed look at why they are essential, what many have done wrong and what needs to be done now to fix the situation. Pension funds in the worst shape are not going to get anything close to a full bailout. Voting for such a thing would be political suicide for lawmakers in states that have been more responsibl­e.

At the same time, proclamati­ons that states should be thrown to the wolves are not very helpful, either. States shouldn’t be forced to default in the midst of a historic pandemic.

 ??  ?? At the Capitol in Springfield Saturday. TED SCHURTER VIA USA TODAY NETWORK
At the Capitol in Springfield Saturday. TED SCHURTER VIA USA TODAY NETWORK

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