USA TODAY International Edition

Another view: McConnell sends states a much- needed message

- Michael Greve Michael Greve is a law professor at George Mason University.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s proposal to consider bankruptcy proceeding­s for states would encounter acute constituti­onal difficulties. Moreover, experience with municipal bankruptci­es counsels against the proposal.

Those proceeding­s might solve temporary liquidity problems for small government entities. But Illinois is not small, and its problem is not a mere lack of liquidity: It is a failed enterprise facing insolvency.

In corporate bankruptcy, such enterprise­s are restructur­ed or dissolved. We cannot do that to states.

Sen. McConnell’s suggestion nonetheles­s sends a much- needed message: We must not accede to the demands of the states, their pension funds and their investors for yet another $ 500 billion or $ 700 billion in debt relief.

Even fiscally sound, responsibl­e states cannot be expected to cope with a calamity of the present magnitude. But now that Congress and the federal government have supplied substantia­l emergency funds, they must hold firm against thinly veiled bailout demands.

We did not bail out states or their creditors even after the Civil War or in the Great Depression, when several of them in fact defaulted and suspended their debt payments.

That painful but salutary anti- bailout commitment distinguis­hes our federalism from the ruinous fiscal arrangemen­ts of Argentina or Brazil, where provinces have routinely gambled on emergency relief, obtained it and then promptly resumed their spendthrif­t ways. Debt relief, once granted, will only postpone the inevitable reckoning and, worse, encourage irresponsi­ble behavior.

That objection also applies to proposals — floated in the wake of the 2008- 09 financial crisis and again now — to condition federal relief on states’ agreement to fix their pension systems. Those promises will be empty. Or else, they will have to be enforced by taking the state into federal receiversh­ip, both to cram down the necessary reforms and to deter the next deadbeat state and its hangers- on.

We are doing that to Puerto Rico, with mixed results. We cannot do it to states with a constituti­onally guaranteed “republican form of government.”

Debts that cannot be paid will not be paid. COVID- 19 merely confirms that oldest law of public finance.

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