USA TODAY International Edition

100 little things that bring us joy

While social distancing can be difficult, it has given us time to appreciate life’s small joys.

- USA TODAY staff

“My eyes are getting watery because I found hand soap,” my friend Raven Cooper shared in the group chat. She followed up with a voice memo celebratin­g the momentous occasion that captured the hope, joy and excitement in her voice.

Pre- coronaviru­s, watery eyes and happy cries were reserved for promotions, birthday surprises and graduation­s, but now the simplest things are making us happy.

Cooper had been on the hunt for soap for the past two weeks as her supply was slowly dwindling down to its last few drops. With the widespread COVID- 19 outbreak, commonplac­e and essential items like hand soap, toilet paper and disinfecta­nt wipes have turned into luxury items.

Finding them is a cause for celebratio­n, especially when it doesn’t seem like there’s much to celebrate.

For when you’re feeling down or just need a reminder of the little joys in life, we at USA TODAY Life are sharing 100 things that bring us happiness during the pandemic.

1. Nabbing a pack of toilet paper at the grocery store.

2. DJ D- Nice’s epic Instagram Live parties.

3. A White Claw hidden in the back of your fridge.

4. A toy that keeps your kid entertaine­d for longer than five minutes.

5. A toy that occupies your dog for longer than five minutes.

6. Dua Lipa releasing her album a week early.

7. Because it’s time to go back to Hogwarts: A “Harry Potter” movie marathon.

8. Walking my dog went from sometimes a chore to unbridled joy.

9. Lowkey enjoying wearing pajamas almost every day.

10. My teenager has to hang out with me.

11. Cooking something new.

12. Going fishing and pimping out your house in Animal Crossing.

13. Watching Ina Garten make a supersized Quarantine Cosmo.

14. Finding a great new show to binge on Netflix ( or your preferred streaming service).

15. Being able to do one more rep in an exercise during your workout.

16. A sunny day!

17. Watching music producers battle over who has the best hits on Instagram Live.

18. A homemade charcuteri­e board paired with your favorite wine.

19. Virtual game nights playing Cards Against Humanity – sorry, Remote Insensitiv­ity – with the other delightful­ly horrible friends you used to play in person with.

20. Video chat happy hours with friends, family or colleagues.

21. Seeing how happy your dog is to have you home 24/ 7.

22. Ordering takeout from your favorite restaurant and it’s still just as delicious.

23. Finally watching all those hot TV shows that came and went … and you somehow never saw. ( Hello, “Mad Men” and “Game of Thrones”!)

24. Discoverin­g you actually really like the expensive lotion/ cute socks/ exotic coffee beans you got for Christmas but hadn’t tried yet.

25. Making pour- over coffee. Putting frothed milk on top of it. Sipping with eyes closed.

26. Drinking said coffee in bed. 27. Realizing you don’t need to stress about your messy house because no one is coming over anyway.

28. Creating a happy family on “The Sims” who aren’t afraid of being near each other.

29. Exploring local neighborho­ods and checking out all the beautiful spring flowers.

30. Two words ( one word?): TikTok. 31. Watching your kid do something creative to combat boredom and realizing just how special they are.

32. The feeling of accomplish­ment when you see a seed sprout from the garden you finally started.

33. Having dinner at a normal time because everyone is already home when work is over.

34. Finding a meme that speaks to you and sending it to everyone you know.

35. Stress baking even though you’re not good at baking and having it turn out amazingly tasty.

36. Teaching your grandparen­ts how to FaceTime and seeing them smile when they see you.

37. Finally hanging that wall art that’s been sitting in the closet since forever. 38. Catching up on sleep.

39. Re- reading your favorite book. 40. Watching ’ 80s movies and cringing at/ rejoicing in all the jelly bracelets, neon tees and crimped hair.

41. Not having to put on makeup every day.

42. Not having to shave.

43. All the money you’re saving on gas. 44. Taking guitar lessons from James Bay.

45. The shortened commute, because from bed to computer is a much easier daily trek.

46. When your kid’s nap is at the same time as your work conference call.

47. Finding an ingredient you need for a new recipe at the back of your pantry, meaning you don’t have to go outside and can still chef it up.

48. When everyone’s technology works on the Zoom call.

49. Debating “Tiger King” theories with your friends.

50. Trisha Yearwood and Garth Brooks performing “Amazing Grace.”

51. Your boss admitting the whole work- from- home thing isn’t so bad and would be an option when the world is back to “normal.”

52. Making the perfect playlist of cheerful songs.

53. Finishing a 1,000- piece puzzle! 54. Movies going to streaming services early such as “Onward” and “Trolls World Tour.”

55. Extra time with your kids. ( It’s bitterswee­t.)

56. Restaurant­s offering takeout wine, beer and margaritas with your meal.

57. Seeing any other human outside of your family, even from a distance * waves way too enthusiast­ically at neighbors.*

58. Getting literally any time slot for grocery pickup or delivery.

59. Seeing your co- workers’ cute kids and pets.

60. Mowing the lawn. ( When did this become fun?)

61. Washing your car. ( Really, when’s the last time you did that?)

62. Kicking your spouse’s butt in Skip Bo, Uno or Yahtzee.

63. Excessive cleaning leads to a freshsmell­ing house.

64. Taking your laptop outside and working on the patio.

65. Watching a toddler play with bubbles. Oh, the pure delight.

66. Walking by cute chalk art on the sidewalk.

67. Tumblers that keep coffee hot for hours.

68. Going on a teddy bear hunt in your neighborho­od.

69. Putting the kids to bed.

70. John Krasinski’s “Some Good News” YouTube show.

71. Rewatching old stand- up comedy and SNL skits.

72. Seeing posts about people getting engaged and having babies. Good things are still happening every day.

73. Browsing eBay but having the discipline ( fear) to not buy anything; paying down my PayPal account. 74. Finishing a long book, at last. 75. Everyone’s sourdough bread on Instagram.

76. Putting moisturize­r on your dry, well- washed hands.

77. Making a donation to a mutual aid fund.

78. Watching my dogs dream while I’m on a conference call.

79. Listening to ( eavesdropp­ing on?) my husband while he’s on Zoom meetings.

80. Andrew Cuomo’s rock star pandemic press conference­s.

81. Getting to the bottom of the laundry basket.

82. Businesses sharing their secret recipes so we can make them at home. I see you, Disneyland Dole Whip, DoubleTree chocolate chip cookies and Cheesecake Factory Cajun jambalaya pasta.

83. Kicking a soccer ball with your friends in the street like you’re back in middle school.

84. Going old school and mailing letters to family ( with cute stamps).

85. Putting together your own at- home paint- and- sip class.

86. Spending an immense amount of time to make a video game avatar and then celebratin­g the fact that it looks just like you. Look at the mouth shape!

87. Getting just a bit better at painting the nails on your dominant hand.

88. Wearing fuzzy socks all day and never worrying that they won’t fit into your shoes, because you don’t put on shoes.

89. Walking through my neighborho­od and giving my friends real estate tours on Marco Polo.

90. Bluetooth headphones that connect to my kid’s tablet. The Wiggles are great but I just. can’t. anymore.

91. Warm crusty bread ( that I didn’t bake but you know, still warm).

92. Putting wine in a to- go cup as part of my evening stroll.

93. My always- smiling grocery store star Michael’s joyful YouTube channel, Michael’s Best Life Ever.

94. Waking up and realizing that feeling healthy is the greatest gift.

95. Getting a working thermomete­r delivered.

96. Finding peanut M& M’s in the back of my cupboard that survived past snack patrols.

97. When my grandmothe­r calls! And tells me what she’s watching on Netflix. ( The latest is “Unorthodox.”)

98. Planning a surprise Zoom birthday party for my mom with relatives around the globe.

99. Rememberin­g “Insecure” is back. 100. Hugging your kid, your spouse, your roommate – whoever you’re quarantine­d with.

A homemade charcuteri­e board paired with your favorite wine.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Learn guitar
GETTY IMAGES Learn guitar
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? New recipes
GETTY IMAGES New recipes
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Gardening
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Pets
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Mowing grass
GETTY IMAGES Mowing grass
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Baking
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Warm sun
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Puzzles
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? New flavors
GETTY IMAGES New flavors
 ??  ?? Garth and Trisha HORSE OF TROY
Garth and Trisha HORSE OF TROY
 ??  ?? Bear hunt USA TODAY NETWORK
 ??  ?? “Good News” ENTERTAIN THIS!
 ??  ?? “Harry Potter” WARNER BROS.
“Harry Potter” WARNER BROS.
 ??  ?? Video games NINTENDO
Video games NINTENDO
 ??  ?? Toilet paper CANVA
Toilet paper CANVA
 ??  ?? Cleaning REVIEWED
 ??  ?? TV shows AMC
TV shows AMC
 ??  ?? New music AP
New music AP

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