USA TODAY International Edition

Albright is ‘ trying to learn to be an introvert’

Family, current events fill former diplomat’s day

- Morgan Hines

Going stir- crazy in quarantine? You’re not alone. Celebritie­s are cooped up in their homes across the country just like the rest of us. As we collective­ly navigate this uncharted territory, USA TODAY presents Quarantine Diaries, which give readers a peek into how our favorite stars are spending their time at home.

Today’s diarist is Madeleine Albright, the former U. S. secretary of state whose third memoir, “Hell and Other Destinatio­ns: A 21st Century Memoir” is out now. Here’s what a day of Albright’s quarantine looks like in Washington, D. C., where she’s running her business, cleaning out her home office, teaching a Georgetown University course on diplomacy ( remotely) and knitting socks for family members. – As told to Morgan Hines

5 a. m. I still get up at 5 o’clock in the morning. I got used to getting up at 5 under normal circumstan­ces ( to exercise). Now I get up and take a bath and get my act together and then go downstairs. I have coffee and I begin by reading papers online and then – because I like newspapers, I actually read the papers: the ( Washington) Post, the ( New York) Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times. I really do want to know what’s going on and I like comparing what I read.

7: 30 a. m. Then I fully get my act together and get dressed. It’s very important, I think, to actually get dressed even though nobody sees what you’re wearing and put on makeup.

9: 30 a. m. I get down to serious stuff. I go up to the third floor of my house and either do some Zoom meetings or I begin to think about what I am going to say in class next week ( at Georgetown). I am trying to be busy, frankly. I decided that I don’t just want to just kind of sit and pout. I want to get something done.

‘ My favorite meal is breakfast’: I’ve had someone who has been working for me for many years – she gets groceries from her family that’s deposited in her garden and she brings it over and leaves it somewhere. Everything is sort of distant. I’ve decided ( cooking) not my thing. Fortunatel­y, there is always something made for me. My favorite meal is particular­ly breakfast, poached eggs and crispy turkey bacon. Then odds and ends ( from there). A lot of chicken noodle soup.

On Zoom: I do spend a lot of time Zooming. ( I’ve done) a couple of Zoom family talks with the grandchild­ren. I talk on the phone with my daughters every day; two are in Washington, D. C. I talk with my sister every day who lives in Washington, and my brother.

I Zoom with my students and talk about how to finish the semester. And I spend time looking at papers they wrote before. I also created this group for former foreign ministers, and we also meet on Zoom. It’s actually very tiring because you have to concentrat­e and you don’t get the same vibes from people that you need as an extrovert.

5: 30 p. m. I do my exercise later in the day; I take laps around my yard. Then I do my back exercises on the floor and watch television. On days when it is too rainy to walk around my garden, I am on my treadmill, usually around the time of the president’s press conference or something.

What I’m watching: I have to admit that I mostly watch the news. I have been watching the president’s press conference­s. I’ve been watching “Schitt’s Creek,” which is kind of funny. When I’m in a bad mood I decide to watch Hallmark Channel, where the story always has a happy ending.

What I’m reading: David Rubenstein has written a book, “The American Story,” which is about presidents. ( Another) one I’m enjoying a lot is “A Gentleman in Moscow,” I don’t know if you’ve heard of it. It’s a great story about an elegant gentleman, a political person in Moscow who is under a quarantine of some kind in a hotel called Metropol Hotel. And I’ve stayed in that very hotel when I’ve gone to Russia various times. I can identify with that, especially with the fact he is kind of isolated, so it kind of fits in with my mood.

How I’m feeling: I do think one of the problems is that I am an extrovert – I am trying to learn to be an introvert. The most important thing is you have control over your mood. I’ve decided I have to use this time in a useful way. I try to have a specific thing that I’m going to do in a day.

In my book, I kind of describe what it was like in World War II in England. The bottom line is that my parents had no control over the bombs that fell. But thinking about how they behaved, I know that they controlled their mood. And so I’m comparing it in some ways to the fact that we can’t control the virus, we need to learn more about it, we need to try to support people working to find a vaccine ( and be) incredibly grateful to those on the front lines.

When I listen to the stories of the people who are nurses and doctors and the people who try to work in their communitie­s, it’s really stunning in terms of how good people can be. It’s important to think about that. That is how one can help control one’s mood, to know that there is this resiliency and the desire of people to work together.

 ?? MADELEINE ALBRIGHT ?? Madeleine Albright spends a lot of time on Zoom.
MADELEINE ALBRIGHT Madeleine Albright spends a lot of time on Zoom.

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