USA TODAY International Edition

Small business owners wary about reopening

In Milwaukee, they will proceed with caution, excitement

- Evan Casey

“I was shocked to hear we could be open. I was nervous. There was a lot to do. But I am happy, too.” Don Duong Owner of Pretty Nails & Spa

Many small business owners in the Milwaukee area are erring on the side of caution after the Wisconsin Supreme Court ended the state’s safer- at- home order Wednesday night.

Some small businesses are continuing preventive safety measures to keep customers and employees safe.

Some are remaining closed.

But for others, it’s business as usual — with some caveats.

Several owners in Milwaukee County said they weren’t angered by a directive issued by suburban health department­s in the Wisconsin county, which essentiall­y extended the order through May 21.

The directive says retail establishm­ents, including shopping malls, may open as long as patrons are limited to 25% of the building’s occupancy limits.

Steve Morateck, general manager of Allis Bike & Fitness in West Allis, said he originally had planned to operate as he has been when he heard about the Supreme Court’s decision.

He wasn’t concerned about the local order put into place Thursday.

“Even though the Supreme Court lifted the order, somewhere along the line, that didn’t tell me that the virus went away,” Morateck said. “I still want to keep

my employees, as well as our customers safe.”

Morateck said he’ll still keep the shop’s doors locked, allowing only one customer into the store at once.

“We’re not going to go back to preshutdow­n business,” Morateck said.

Anita Hero, owner of Cream City Soap Company in Wauwatosa, said although she’s missing out on revenue, she cares more about the safety of her customers. She’s been offering curbside pickup but still won’t allow customers inside her store, for the time being.

“This isn’t the time for that,” Hero said about loosening safety restrictio­ns. “We’re just going to hang tight and see what happens.”

However, Waukesha County has taken a different approach. Although preaching safety, they’re allowing businesses to open.

“All Waukesha County businesses should continue to follow CDC guidelines for social distancing and cleaning and disinfecti­ng whenever possible,” county executive Paul Farrow said in a statement.

Mama D’s Coffee in Wales, Wis., took notice. As of Thursday morning, they’re allowing 20 people in their cafe at once.

However, they’re asking that only two people – sitting 6 feet apart – sit at one table.

Peachy Worden, the manager of the Wales location, said she had mixed feelings about reopening.

“It was a mixture of extreme excitement and at the same time caution and nervousnes­s, as to what it would look like to open back up,” Worden said.

While some bars and restaurant­s in Waukesha County decided to open, it’s unclear yet how many retail- oriented small businesses and shops will also open their doors.

Mary Lewis, owner of Learning Express Toys of Brookfield, said she never changed her mind about opening early to customers when she heard the news Wednesday night.

She’ll still continue with curbside pick- up, however.

Lewis said she’s worried about keeping her employees safe, as she’s working closely with them in the store.

“We have to think about the employees, and us being small business owners, I have to work with people when I open up. I can’t just work by myself,” Lewis said.

‘ We’re paralyzed’

Jon Majdoch, owner of Lightspeed in Greenfield, said he was excited to learn about the ruling that negated the extension of the governor’s safer- at- home order, but he experience­d a reversal of emotions when he found out the directive issued by the suburban Milwaukee County health department­s.

“I went to bed excited beyond belief and woke up going ‘ why?’ ” he said. “I can’t honestly tell you in words how I felt because you couldn’t print them.”

Majdoch is changing the name of the business to 27 Social and has replaced the business’ go- karts with a game that combines football and bowling, in part to offer a safer option.

“To say this is going to stop the spread when you can just drive to Waukesha County and basically do anything you want – if anything it’s going to make the spread worse, because everybody from Milwaukee is just going to drive to Waukesha and travel further,” he said.

Asked about a specific opening date, Majdoch said he didn’t know.

“The most important thing a business owner needs to do is plan and project, and all of these orders have completely taken any of that ability away from us,” Majdoch said. “We can’t forecast sales. We can’t forecast expenses. We’re paralyzed.”

‘ Are you going to be open?’

Immediatel­y when Donna Kelly heard the Supreme Court’s ruling, she texted Don Duong, owner of Germantown’s Pretty Nails & Spa, and urgently asked:

“Are you going to be open?” Duong said he was not sure. He said needed to get his phone lines and cash register working again. He then had to figure out all the logistics of reopening his business under social distancing guidelines.

But very late at night, he determined he would open.

“I have been broke for two months,” said Duong, who added he did not get his stimulus or any unemployme­nt check. “I am so ready.”

He made clear partitions to separate himself between his clients and the nail artists to address safety needs. Duong then called two of his staff and told them they could return to work.

Kelly said she got her eyebrows done as well as a pedicure and manicure.

“It feels so good,” she said.

“I feel like a girl again,” added Bridget Nelson, Kelly’s daughter, who got her nails done. “I feel so put together.”

Due to social distancing guidelines, Duong said only seven to eight people, including staff, can be in his shop at a time.

“I was shocked to hear we could be open,” Duong said. “I was nervous. There was a lot to do. But I am happy, too.”

 ??  ?? Steve Morateck, general manager of Allis Bike & Fitness in West Allis, Wis., said he doesn’t plan to change the safety precaution­s he put in place during the coronaviru­s pandemic anytime soon. STEVE MORATECK
Steve Morateck, general manager of Allis Bike & Fitness in West Allis, Wis., said he doesn’t plan to change the safety precaution­s he put in place during the coronaviru­s pandemic anytime soon. STEVE MORATECK
 ??  ?? Don Duong, owner of Germantown’s Pretty Nails & Spas does Bridget Nelson’s nails. Duong, reopened for business at 1 p. m. May 14. PRETTY NAILS & SPAS
Don Duong, owner of Germantown’s Pretty Nails & Spas does Bridget Nelson’s nails. Duong, reopened for business at 1 p. m. May 14. PRETTY NAILS & SPAS

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